
If you are here to learn about how to set up your off-grid water systems, then you are already familiar with what off-grid water systems are.  But just in case you do not know, an off-the-grid water system provides water that uses no municipal water supply, no well water, a system that manages all wastewater on-site even in drought conditions.  From a practical standpoint, one of the simplest off grid water systems you can buy are sold by USA Berkey Filters.

Municipal or public supply water makes life relatively easy when we live in the cities or suburbs. The idea of living off-grid sounds amazing, but water is the most important resource you need to consider. The availability of clean and drinkable water is a must.

Your off-grid water solution will determine how your house is placed and help you make better building plans.

Setting up your off-grid water system can be challenging. You need to plan and create a basic system design. After that you need to pick a source of water supply such as well, stream, or surface water, then you can start construction.

In this article, we are going to use the water from a natural water source. Natural water sources could be ponds, lakes, springs, rivers, streams, or creeks. This allows us to utilize water that already exists around us.

There are so many methods on how to utilize natural source water, but this article will guide you on some basic foundations.

The first step is to build a sump hole in the water source. A sump hole is a temporary pit that is built to trap and filter water for the purpose of pumping it into a suitable area where it can be discharged. Dig a deep hole next to your natural water source, deep enough to create a pool of flowing water. Fill the bottom of the hole with large rocks to prevent it from mixing with much, you can proceed to add a layer of sand to filter even more contaminants.

The second step is to lower a pump into the sump hole. You need pumps and piping to get water to where you need it to be. Instead of using a standard pump to pull the water, use a submersible pump to push the water. This is because pushing water can travel to a far distance whereas pulling water uphill can only go a few feet. There is however no on and off switch, you need to pull the power plug or plug it into an outlet that has a switch in order to cut power to the pump. Pumping into a holding tank is highly recommended.

After choosing the sump pump, do not throw it directly into the hole. Your pump can suck in all types of dirt and clog up the system if you do. Build a case around your pump so it does not bounce to the bottom of the hole or buy a pump enclosure. Elevate your pump so that it is not touching the ground or sucking up sand.

Safely running power to your water pump is the next step to setting up your own water supply. Your pump needs the power to run, so you must do it safely and effectively. You can do this by running a power cord across a short distance or setting up a solar power pump system. Running a power cord in the open can damage the cord. Also, a power cord cannot be used if the pump is too far.

The last step involved in setting up your off-grid water system is running the water to a holding tank. Pump the water into a holding tank near your home. This will make it easier for you to turn on your submersible pump and fill the water tank as much as you need. You can then run all your water needs into the house from the tank.

There are other things you need to consider while setting up your own off-grid water system. These things include the length of your pipe, the angle of your system (try to keep it as straight as can be), and the calculation of the suction lift I.e the elevation of water from the source to its destination.

The above steps are a described way you can set up your own off-grid water system.