Branded Packaging: What it Can Do for Your Business

No matter your industry, if you sell products that need packaging, let us ask the question: are you using this to your advantage? Whether you’re shipping small-scale beauty products or large-scale wholesale orders, it goes without saying that your items will need to be protected during the transportation process.

So, if this is already needed, why not make the most of this chance to also hone in on your branding? Today, our friends at Kendon Packaging are bringing us some top things branded packaging can do for your business – giving you the inside scoop on how you can make this marketing technique work for you.

Give it personality

Per the picture above, packaging can be incredibly dull. Okay, it’s needed to protect the items inside, but does this mean the exterior needs to be completely void of colour or personality? We certainly don’t think so – and here’s why

If your business has a logo, font size or colour that’s synonymous with the brand, why not adorn your boxes, bags and other forms of packaging with it? Bespoke packaging doesn’t have to mean a big cost to your business and, with your own unique stamp helping you ship your items, you can help bring your brand to life and make revealing the contents inside that much more exciting for the recipient.

Get it recognised

Another great thing about branded packaging is that it means your business can be recognised, even by something as simple as shipping products from warehouse to customer. If your vans, team uniforms, website and social media accounts are all following the same branding, it just makes good sense to get your packaging in on the action, too.

As your products and packaging – and, in turn, your business – become more and more recognisable, word will soon spread about your services. With your SEO efforts, social presence and now the physical aspects of your products and packaging all falling under one big branded umbrella, you can’t go wrong.

Make it credible

The world’s most well-known brands don’t mess around when it comes to their branding – so if you’re to compete with some of the biggest and best names in your industry, there’s no room to be complacent. Not sure where to start? Research some of your favourite brands and take inspiration from some of the things they do – note, this does not mean copy them.

Just as you hone your brand’s tone of voice on Twitter, your packaging can become a form of branding in its own right. With unboxing videos remaining hugely popular, stay up-to-date with what your customers want and give them a reason to head to YouTube as they unveil their latest buy from your business.

So, if you needed some reasons why you should consider branded packaging for your business, now you have them! From getting your name out there to ensuring consistency across all platforms, it’s time to take your business’s branding seriously.