Five secrets to Speed Up your Rhinoplasty Recovery

Individuals undergo rhinoplasty for various reason. Several just want to improve their physical appearance to feel better. Other people may get rhinoplasty surgery to cure medical conditions such as difficulty in breathing. For whatever the reason, with the Plano, TX rhinoplasty growing popularity, many people want to know more about its recovery. An essential key to having a quick recovery from rhinoplasty is careful with everything that affects your nose.

So, is there ways to speed up your recovery time? There are a few secrets you should know that can make your plastic surgery to recover more smoothly. These include:

Ensure you use cold compresses

You need to use cold compressors in your first three days after surgery to help reduce the swelling. Ensure that you take caution not to apply the cold compressors directly to your nose. Instead, you need to apply them on the cheeks so that you don’t shift the cartilage or bones accidentally.

Take plenty of rest

It is hard to fall asleep due to congestion you usually feel after the surgery, but resting is an integral part of the recovery. Remember that your body uses a lot of energy to heal itself and, therefore, getting enough sleep at night will give your body time to restore that energy used for recovery.

Maintaining a healthy diet.

Consuming a balanced diet after the surgery will help to speed up the recovery process by offering your body with the required nutrients to heal itself. Protein-rich snacks are essential for building a thick block of muscle, skin, cartilage and blood. Eating a diet consisting of eggs, yoghurt, meat, and other protein-rich snacks will assist your body to restore all the damaged tissues in and around the nose.

Also, you will need to get plenty of vitamins in your diet such as vitamin A, and C. Vitamin A is commonly found on leafy greens such as kale and spinach. It acts as a better immune booster that can assist you in fighting the infections after your surgery. On the other hand, vitamin C plays a significant role when it comes to the regeneration of collagen. Collagen is the protein that reconnects the skin tissues. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts and citrus fruits are a good source of vitamin C.

Avoid Blowing your nose.

Expect to experience some congestions after surgery. The feeling is ignited by the swelling of nasal tissues. Ensure that you don’t blow your nose and speak to your doctor who will recommend you to use a saline nasal spray for moisturizing the swollen nasal passage until the swelling ends.

Also, since you cannot resist sneezing, ensure that you try to sneeze through the mouth instead of the noose. This may sound gross, but it’s a better option instead of damaging your nasal passage and hence slowing down your recovery time.

Don’t do vigorous exercise.

It takes around five to six weeks for the nasal bones to heal after the surgery. During the healing time, ensure that you don’t do vigorous exercise. Avoid even simple movements that seem harmless such as lifting, stretching and bending since they can increase the nasal swelling. You should wait until your doctor tells you to resume your normal activities.

The rhinoplasty recovery process varies from one patient to another. Keep in mind that your nose is one of the fragile parts of the body after the surgery, so you need to be extra careful during the healing time. Once you have healed, all your hard work will be worth it since you will be able to show off your nose!