Fun Facts About Semarang Before You Going There

Semarang is a capital of Central Java located on the north coast of Java. Having an area of 373.78 square kilometres, Semarang is the greatest city of the Central Java province. Let’s find out some fun facts about this beautiful port city.

The Birth of Semarang

Kyai Pandan, an Islamic missionary, went from Java into the neighbouring sultanate to establish an Islamic boarding school. Together with the school, a new village has been put up. Afterwards on Kyai Pandan Arang became the first regent of this place and the village he’d set up became the city of Semarang. Who could feel that a school can give birth to a town?

The Red City

In the struggle for its freedom, Semarang became the centre for nationalist and leftist activities during the 1920s. Then the party of Indonesia was formed here and Semarang became popular since ‘The Red City’.

The Haunted House

From outside the ‘Lawang Sewu’ meaning Thousand Doors, You’ll enjoy a beautiful landmark building from the colonial era. Formerly, Lawang Sewu is built to be the headquarters of the Dutch East Indies Railway Company. But the fact that makes this building popular is that it’s thought to be a haunted house. Are you ready to get spooked?

The City of Jamu

Jamu is a natural herbal medicine of Indonesia. It’s produced from spices, herbs, roots, fruits and minerals. Semarang is the main producer of Jamu in Indonesia. That’s the reason why Semarang was recognized as the town of Jamu.

Ayam Penyet

Ayam penyet is a famed Indonesian dish of grilled chicken. This food consists of fried chicken smashed with mortar and pestle that is served with sambal, a few cucumbers and a few fried tofu. And imagine what Semarang is the birth area of the succulent dish! So, don’t neglect to try some Ayam penyet when you’re in Semarang.

Bandeng Presto

Semarang is famed for its Bandeng Presto. It is a milkfish recipe which is pressure-cooked to soften the fish’s bone.

Infinity pool

On the edge of Umbul Sidomukti in Semarang, the Infinity pool is located. People see this pool because its water is said to be therapeutic and has healing properties. What’s better than a relaxed day in the emerald water and fresh mountain air?

The Tradition of Warak Ngendog

Warak Ngendog is a toy which is in the shape of a mythical creature resembling a rhinoceros with eggs on its back. The form of this toy is said to symbolize the unique ethnic group that resides in Semarang. Warak Ngendog is famous as a legend for the town of Semarang.

Test Your Balance

The Umbul Sidomukti Marine Bridge at Semarang can put your sense of equilibrium and height to test. It is a suspension bridge that looks simple enough but is not so as soon as you start walking. People today really like to cross this bridge only for the thrill and also the view from the bridge is just heavenly.

A Cave Turned into Temple

The Famed Sam Poo Kong Temple of Semarang was originally a cave. From the 18th century, the cave was covered by a landslide. Subsequently, the local people assembled it in the kind of shrine. This shrine was created to honour the Chinese Muslim Admiral Cheng Ho.

Before you plan a trip to Semarang, be sure to read more about Semarang and Indonesia by visiting Wonderful Indonesia.