Get to learn more about spinal stenosis, its symptoms, and the treatment options available

Approximately five hundred thousand people in America are living with symptoms of spinal stenosis like back pain, neck pain, and numbness in their legs or arms. The above symptoms can be very uncomfortable and may affect how you carry out your day in day out activities. It is also one of the major causes of people missing from work. Therefore, East Brunswick, NJ spine and Wellness encourages you to seek medical care if you begin experiencing the above symptoms. The health care providers offer expert diagnosis and individualized treatment plans to enable you to get better quickly. 

What is spinal stenosis?

Generally, your vertebrae form a narrow column that protects and surrounds the spinal cord. When something causes a reduction in the space surrounding your nerves, it results in a condition referred to as spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis is a condition that typically forms in your lumbar or cervical spine. Some of the main causes of spinal stenosis are bone spurs, spinal injuries, osteoarthritis, thickened ligaments, spinal irregularities like scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, and herniated discs. Spinal stenosis is more likely to occur due to a degenerative condition or injury leading to narrowing of the space in your spine. However, there is a group of people who are born with narrow spines.

What are the signs of spinal stenosis?

In most cases, spinal stenosis may be symptomless, but it can result in nerve compression, and the symptoms may include neck pain, cramping on the legs, muscle weakness, lower back pain, reduced balance, and tingling or numbness in your legs, feet or arms. If spinal stenosis is left untreated, it may cause complications like incontinence, chronic pain, or paralysis.

When should I talk to a doctor about spinal stenosis?

You are encouraged to make your appointment at the facility if you begin experiencing the symptoms of spinal stenosis discussed above. Any weakness, numbness, or tingling in your legs or arms is one of the common signs of nerve compression. The health care specialists in the facility are very keen on coming up with a diagnosis because it is essential in designing your treatment plan to alleviate your symptoms and enable you to resume back to your daily activities.

How is spinal stenosis treated?

The expert team develops an individualized and multidisciplinary treatment plan for spinal stenosis. The treatment options offered are given depending on your condition, and they may include acupuncture, anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, DRX 9000 spinal decompression, chiropractic, and steroid injections. However, in very severe cases, experienced and qualified surgeons can perform surgery to alleviate symptoms of spinal stenosis. The surgeons can perform a laminotomy, laminoplasty, and laminectomy procedures to do away with all or part of the back of your vertebra, also known as the lamina. However, the surgeons begin by utilizing minimally invasive techniques available. Minimally invasive surgery requires a shorter recovery time compared to traditional open surgery. It is also more comfortable and also minimizes the risk of infections, scarring, and other complications.

Therefore if you begin experiencing symptoms like neck pain, muscle weakness, cramping in your legs, reduced balance, lower back pain, and tingling or numbness in your extremities call or visit NJ Spine and Wellness today for more information. Various treatment options for spinal stenosis, including steroid injections, NSAIDs, and physical therapy, are also available.