Home Plumbing: Six Practices for the Best Maintenance of Pipes   

Homeowners can avoid plumbing issues if they follow and perform proper plumbing maintenance procedures for their home or business. Plumbing maintenance practices can help anyone who relies on their plumbing to be in good working order to avoid potentially expensive plumbing repair service.  Below are six steps you can take to keep your plumbing in good working order.

  1. Check for Leaks:

When you find a leak in any of your pipes, it can lead to flooding, water damage or loss of water if you don’t take timely action to fix the leak. What will happen if you don’t find and fix the leak?Potentially, you will damage your plumbing and your home along with spending money to hire a plumbing repair service. So, it is a good idea to periodically check your plumbing such as exterior walls, garages, crawl spaces, as well as under sinks and tubs.It is also a good idea to insulate pipes that may be susceptible to bursting during cold weather that is below freezing.  Otherwise, your pipes may be prone to damage due to expansion of frozen water. It may be useful to get in contact with a residential plumber to determine if your plumbing is properly protected. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to protecting your plumbing. A plumber can also evaluate whether you need to consider any other actions to prevent leaking from your plumbing, such as having the proper seals and gaskets in your plumbing fixtures and piping.

  1. Drain and Insulate Outdoor Plumbing:

This is another crucial step to follow for the proper maintenance of pipes. Ensure that you drain and insulate all the outdoor spigots and pipes before winter if you live in climate that drops below freezing. This will avoid retention of water in outdoor plumbing. Outdoor pipes that have been drained will not crack or burst due to frozen water trapped in the plumbing.

  1. Weatherproof Trouble Areas:

The next step is to check the areas that involve exposed plumbing areas. These areas may include vent fans, doorways, and windows.Check to make sure open areas are sealed to avoid exposure of your plumbing to the outside weather.Use a good weatherproof caulking to seal around windows and doors.  Check for any cracked windows and replace those windows to avoid exposure of your plumbing to outside weather.

  1. Insulate Exposed Pipes:

Be aware that you may not want to block or seal off all airflow to basements, crawl spaces and attics in order to avoid the formation of mold or fungus. This means that in those areas pipes require proper insulation to avoid any problems due to cold winter moisture and air. The best way to protect pipes and faucets is by the use of insulation of your home plumbing system. You can install foam tubing or fiberglass insulation around pipes to prevent exposure to the cold. Ensure that you protect the pipes that are close to electrical sources by using heating tape.

  1. Keep Indoor Pipes Warm:

Although many people understand that their outdoor plumbing is susceptible to freezing during winter months, indoor pipes may also be prone to cracking or bursting in cold weather. Check to make sure your indoor plumbing is located in heated or insulated crawl spaces. If you leave your house for an extended period of time during winter months, make sure the thermostat is set to at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit to insure proper heating throughout the house.

  1. Sign up for a Home Plumbing Maintenance Program:

Residential plumbers recommend checking and protecting your home plumbing system to avoid spending money on repair services. Check with your local plumbers to see what type of home plumbing maintenance programs that they provide. Maintenance programs typically also provide you with simple maintenance procedures and tips to keep your plumbing free of problems and in good working order

Following these practices will help you to avoid problems in your home plumbing system. If you need assistance with any plumbing issues, you can contact Hunt’s Services day or night to schedule an appointment with a licensed, professional plumber.