How to Improve Your Fertility

You can start by considering your ability to get pregnant and carry the baby to term when starting a family. Fortunately, most women can easily get pregnant within a year of trying to conceive. But if you are among those who find it difficult to get pregnant, do you know how to increase your fertility? You should see a fertility expert such as Dr. Peter L Chang, who will take you through the steps to get pregnant. Here is how to increase your fertility.

Monitor Your Hormones

Your sex education teacher might have warned you against getting unplanned pregnancy whenever you have sex. Although it is possible to get pregnant by having sex once, it is complicated as the pregnancy would depend on the periodic hormonal changes. The sperm will fertilize the egg when it is viable, only a 24-hour window for most women. Thus it would be best to try to conceive days before and after the estimated ovulation period. It increases the chances of fertilization as the sperm can survive for at most five days in your reproductive organs.

Use an Ovulation Predictor Kit

The ovulation predictor kit tests the luteinizing hormone, which is present right before ovulation. Therefore, it would be best to use the test every morning to show the correct ovulation days. After a positive luteinizing hormone test, you can try conceiving and go on several days after a positive result. You can shop for these ovulation predictor kits at the pharmacy.

Basal Body Temperature

Your body would have fluctuating temperatures during the menstrual cycle; some days, you will have decreased temperatures while others increase temperature. The slight difference could be as little as half a degree, but they indicate what goes on in your body. For instance, if the temperatures rise, it might indicate ovulation. However, temperature changes might result from sickness and other environmental factors. Again, you might not notice the temperature changes instantly, making it challenging to track ovulation.

Cervical Mucus Changes

The estrogen levels rise due to the development of the ovarian follicle responsible for egg maturing. The high estrogen levels would result in thin and slippery mucus, and some people might increase cervical mucus volume.

Monitoring the Ovaries

Sometimes it might be challenging to track all the changes in your body, but your gynecologist can offer different options for testing ovulation. The doctor might use ultrasounds on your ovaries as it indicates what goes on in your system. It becomes easy to know when the ovaries mature through an ultrasound exam. Again, you may opt for regular hormone tests, which show a spike in estrogen levels. The examination will determine when it is the right time to get pregnant.

Final Thoughts

Some people might fall pregnant straight away after trying to get pregnant; unfortunately, if you are among those who have issues getting pregnant, you should try some techniques which improve the chances of getting pregnant. You can monitor your ovaries and hormonal changes to know the right ovulation time. The cervical mucus might be effective in tracing the hormonal changes within the menstrual cycle. Good luck trying to get pregnant.