What Causes Osteoarthritis in the Hip Joint?

Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that affects many people in Centreville. The condition develops gradually, and therefore you may not have any symptoms in the beginning. However, with time, the symptoms of arthritis set in, and you may experience pain in the hip joint that mainly occurs when moving the joint or after you move. Another symptom of osteoarthritis is stiffness of the hip joint, which you can notice more when you have been inactive for a long time or after you wake up from sleep. The hip joint may also have tenderness which refers to pain on the touch.

Osteoarthritis can also present with loss of flexibility, which means that you cannot fully move the joint, and you may also be unable to use the hip. Some people also get a grating sensation when bone touches another bone, and the hip joint may also swell. If you have the symptoms of osteoarthritis, the Centreville, VA, hip and knee replacement specialist can manage those using different modalities like painkillers. However, eventually, you may require a joint replacement to preserve the joint. This article highlights the causes of osteoarthritis.

The hip joint has connective tissue such as cartilage that covers the ends of the bones on the joint. This cartilage prevents the bones from grinding on each other. As you grow old, the cartilage undergoes wear and tear, and therefore bone comes into contact with bone causing friction. This friction can cause a grating sensation and pain. With time, the tissues on the joint get inflammation adding to the pain. This pain makes it hard to use the joint.

  • Injuries

Another risk factor of osteoarthritis is injuries to the joint. You can get injuries when playing sports, which is one way you can get osteoarthritis at a young age. The damages on the joints can still put you at risk of osteoarthritis many years after the injury. If you put repetitive stress on your joints, you may eventually develop osteoarthritis, presenting with pain.

  • Obesity

Obesity is another risk factor for osteoarthritis. When you are obese, the extra weight puts pressure on the bones and joints, making them depreciate. Another way obesity causes obesity is because the fat on your joint produces inflammatory proteins that worsen the inflammation of the joint. It is therefore advisable to manage your weight so that you prevent the early onset of osteoarthritis. You can do this by eating a healthy diet and regular exercise.

  • Genetic Predisposition

You can also develop osteoarthritis if you have a family history of the condition. If you have first-degree relatives with the disease, your risk of developing it is higher than people who lack the predisposition. The risk of osteoarthritis is also high in people who have bone and cartilage deformities from a young age. Osteoarthritis is more common in females than males, but the mechanism of this is unknown.

In summary, osteoarthritis is the most typical type of arthritis that primarily affects the elderly. The condition presents with pain, stiffness, swelling, and inability to use the joint. The causes of osteoarthritis include old age, where the cartilage wears off, causing friction of the bones and joint injuries. You can also develop osteoarthritis due to obesity, which puts stress and pressure on the bones. Some people have a genetic predisposition to osteoarthritis.