What is the difference between a water filter and a water purifier?

Water filters are used to treat water, while water purifiers from a company like AquaBare will remove sediment, which create cloudy or turbid water, particulate organic matter (POM), chlorine , silt , mud , particles ½ micron in size or larger, rust, and other undesirable substances. Filters must be replaced regularly to ensure that the water they produce is safe to drink. Water purifiers do more than just filter out sediments and other undesirable substances – they also remove micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites , yeast , algae , plankton , fungi spores and worms, along with countless other contaminants.

Water filters and purifiers each have their own benefits, but the main difference is that water filters remove contaminants from water , while water purifiers remove considerably more contaminants and biological threats from the water.

How can I tell the difference between a filter and a purifier?  Both filters and purifiers can be bought in different forms, such as jug filters, under-sink filters, tabletop water purifiers , countertop filters, shower head filters , faucet water purifiers , refrigerator water filters , pitcher water filter jugs . A good way to tell the difference between a filter and a purifier is the packaging. Water purifiers are usually packaged in sturdy containers with clear plastic or glass sides which allow you to see if they’re in working order. This also makes them easier to transport when moving homes. The best way to identify what type of device you have is by checking the specifications that came with it. Chances are there will be wording like “reduces up to 99% of common impurities etc..”

When you decide to invest in a  water purifying system, the most important feature to consider is its ability to remove impurities such as heavy metals , chemicals and other harmful substances. A good sign of a purifier is that it will have a filter or cartridge which can be ended and replaced when full and most often they use carbon-based filtration systems.  A good first step would be to test your own tap water to identify what kind of contaminants are present in your water and work backwards from that.  For example if your water has lead contamination it may not make sense to purchase something that removes radiation.   A good rule of thumb is that if your water comes from a well, stream or lake it will contain bacteria and other microbial contaminants. It may be worthwhile to invest in something with an activated charcoal filter or bed.

A water purifier system is designed to remove contaminants which are too small for the human eye to see. Water filters on the other hand are better suited for removing larger pollutants such as dirt, rust, sediment and particles.  As you can imagine all of these particles are bad for our health due to their ability to cause bacterial growth within our bodies once consumed.  Because of this, it is very important to invest in a high quality water purification system that can meet the needs of your family both in their day to day lives as well as in the event of an emergency.