Which One Is Better To Take: CSPO Vs PSPO Certification

Scrum is a process for developing software in which people work together as a team to create a product, or iteration, of software. By working as a team, everyone on the team has a role in the process, and everyone has an opportunity to participate.

This blog post is about which one is better to take: the Certified Scrum Product Owner or Professional Scrum Product Owner. Both are great but to choose the best one from both, you have to understand the particular scope and the expectations of the job.

Let’s understand what the difference between these two is?

Read on to know more about the pros and cons of each role.

What Is A Certified Scrum Product Owner?

The Certified Scrum Product Owner is a designation. A person with this designation has a deep understanding of scrum and the specific skills to do the job. The certification process includes two days’ worth of training, two written exams, and two case studies. Some prerequisites need to be completed before taking the exam.

Professional Scrum Product Owner

A Professional Scrum Product Owner is a specialist who ensures the product owner’s work is done well. They are generally responsible for maximizing the value of the work that goes into each iteration, as well as ensuring customer satisfaction. The Professional Scrum Product Owner may also have to manage external stakeholders, such as clients and sponsors.

Certified Scrum Product Owner

A Certified Scrum Product Owner is someone who takes on the responsibility of completing and delivering the work according to a defined set of rules that govern how this process should be carried out. These rules are created by a group called Scrum Alliance.

The benefits of being a CSPO vs PSPO Certification are:

  • Very clear job description which spells out responsibilities
  • Minimum requirements for certification
  • It not necessary to go through a long process of training or apprenticeship
  • Higher salary range and more opportunities available in comparison to professionals scrum product owners

What Is A Professional Scrum Master?

A Professional ScrumMaster is someone who has attended the Professional Scrum Master (PSM) course and achieved the PSM credential. A PSM is a skilled Scrum team member with advanced knowledge of Scrum, and Agile practices, and generally knows how to facilitate a successful project.

Understanding The Requirements For Each Role

One of the most important aspects of understanding the requirements of CSPO vs PSPO Certification for each role is what the scope and expectations are for that particular job. The Certified Scrum Product Owner is a person who has been certified to understand Scrum’s concepts, practices, and rules. They have completed courses and passed a test that verifies their knowledge of Scrum’s methodologies.

The Professional Scrum Product Owner understands Scrum’s concepts, practices, and rules. They have not yet taken the test or completed training courses to become Certified Scrum Product Owners. However, they can still perform this role just as well as a Certified Product Owner because they know the workflows and principles behind it.