5 In-Office Procedures Types You Should Know About

In-office procedures have become popular nowadays. You can have the procedure at the clinic or the comfort of your home, and after a few hours, go back to your daily activities. Your doctor will likely release you the same day after conducting some test on you. In-office procedures compose of minimally invasive operations. These procedures, however, require a certified specialist to perform them. If you require in-office procedures in Lake Mary, contact Dr. Christopher K Quinsey, MD, a certified specialist with years of experience. The teams at the health clinic are hospitable and will assist you through your treatment.

Endometrial Biopsy

If you experience heavy or abnormal bleeding, your doctor may suggest an endometrial biopsy to be taken. The medical procedure involves the doctor taking a small sample of tissue from your uterus lining for examination. This is to determine the root cause of the abnormal bleeding. Usually, the cell is examined for cell abnormalities and any cancer developed in the uterus. You might experience momentary cramping because of this procedure, so it is advised to take ibuprofen with some food one hour before the procedure.

 Endometrial Ablation

This procedure involves surgically destroying the lining of your uterus to reduce abnormal or heavy bleeding. In this procedure, no incisions are needed. Your doctor will use lean tools that are inserted through the passageway between the vagina and uterus. The tools used by the doctors can vary according to the method to be used to ablate the endometrium. Some of the methods might include microwave energy, heated fluids, or high-energy radio frequencies.


This procedure offers the doctor a complete picture inside your uterus, aiding in diagnosing and treating problems associated with the uterus. Hysteroscopy uses a thin, lighted telescope-like device to see into the uterus. The device will enable you and your doctor to see images of your uterine cavity to determine the cause of the condition. Your doctor will use a hysteroscope alongside other tools to administer treatment.


When you visit your doctor, and you are required to take a pap smear if it appears abnormal, your doctor is likely to suggest a colposcopy. The procedure starts with the application of vinegar solution to your cervix. After the application, the doctor then uses an electron microscope to view your cervix. In case of any abnormalities, a tissue sample is taken for further examination in the lab.

Intrauterine Device (IUD)

This device composes a small T-shaped plastic with a string attached to it and prevents pregnancy. The device works by blocking the sperm from joining with your egg. Once inserted, the string is left hanging off your cervix to ensure that it is in place. You can also use an IUD device. However, you require a specialist to determine if you are the right candidate.

Visit an In-Office Procedure Specialist Today

In-office procedures have made it easy for many people to attend medical examinations, be treated, and continue their daily activities. You can now have these procedures at the convenience of your home or office. Doctors are not restricted unless in severe cases that might need other specialist intervention. If you are experiencing heavy bleeding or require an intrauterine device insertion, visit Dr. Christopher K Quinsey in Lake Mary. His level of expertise with in-office procedures provides one with a feeling of safety and an assurance of recovery.