5 Reasons Why Corporate Philanthropy Is Good Business

Philanthropy is the act of helping and supporting others. Donations of clothes, food, money and other charitable actions are just a few examples. Philanthropy can be practiced by individuals or by businesses, large or small. 

With the willingness to help, this is the reason why entrepreneurs like Thomas Kane and others prioritize philanthropy. Tom Kane, a Chicago executive, is regarded in the community for his philanthropic efforts both locally and abroad.

Here, we will see five reasons why corporate philanthropy is good business.

Attract Top Talent: The power of purpose:

In today’s society, the work that philanthropy leaders have been doing for years is now more valuable than ever and social awareness is at the forefront of many minds.  For businesses, pursuing philanthropic causes is practically a necessity for attracting both consumers and employees. While large corporations donate substantial amounts of money each year to charities, it’s not uncommon for small businesses and individual donors to promote causes they care about as well.

Employee Engagement and Productivity:

A simple way for businesses to incorporate philanthropy is by offering their employees paid time off for volunteering for a charity of their choice.  You can also volunteer together to increase team building within your organization. This not only improves morale, it can also increase productivity and keep your employees from jumping ship.

One person can be more powerful than everyone together:

When we think of the world’s most significant challenges like hunger, disease, and natural disasters, it can be hard to believe that our actions can have an impact. But according to philanthropy trends, if we are going to leave the world better than we found it, we cannot underestimate the power of small actions and the role of individuals. When we empower each person to become an agent of change in their own lives, a cultural change occurs. 

Improve Brand Awareness and Reputation:

Taking into account corporate responsibility, almost all large companies are working on inclusion right now, but it has to be more than just reaching specific numbers. One of the easier ways to increase your company’s brand awareness is by joining forces with various charities. Companies need to create a sense of purpose, meaning, and belonging, so they are taking an integrated and inclusive approach to improving their brand awareness through making donations, volunteering or taking positive actions.

Authenticity is critical: Increase Sales:

More and more companies are jumping on board to tackle large scale social problems. In addition to the help to society that companies experience when practising philanthropy, the use of social media makes these initiatives better known to the general population. Therefore, a well-structured corporate philanthropy strategy can bring several advantages since consumers are more interested in organizations that care about the environment in which they live.