5 Things about CBD hemp oil you must know
There are varieties of the hemp plant from the cannabis genus that can produce oil. However, hemp oil is produced from the industrial hemp only. In this case, the hemp plant is cultivated specifically for industrial production and the psychoactive elements are minimal, in particular, the THC. The whole hemp plant can be pressed for hemp oil but the best is extracted from the seeds. Refined hemp is colorless with minimal flavor. It can be used in different forms; as soap, body oils, creams, and as a dietary supplement for the very rare fatty acids like Omega 3 and 6.
Here are five things you must know about CBD hemp oil
Hemp oil has cannabinoids
When cannabinoids are introduced into the body, they interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system and thus promoting homeostasis and a balance in the body systems. Cannabis contains a number of cannabinoids at different levels and in fact, this is what makes the plant unique.
CBD oil is non-psychoactive
THC is the compound in the cannabis plant that gets you high. However, this is not present in the hemp plant. CBD is non-psychoactive and therefore using it as a supplement in your daily routine is safe and free from the negative effects of THC. For instance, if you are in competitive athletics, in the military, or you maybe you want to give it to your child,hemp products like RSHO-X is an excellent choice for you and is 100% free of THC.
Hemp oil is more than cannabinoids
Those who have some limited knowledge on CBD oil think that it is only the cannabidoil. This is not true. Full spectrum hemp oil is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, fibers, proteins, essential fatty acids, and a list of so many other contents essential for your body health.
Reliable hemp oil is grown in the US
The cannabis plant is a bio-accumulator and therefore the conditions under which it is grown are essential. If grown in a highly contaminated environment, there is a health risk of getting heavy metals and such deadly pollutants into your body system. That is why you have to find out the source of the oil before buying it from the online stores.
In the U.S, you cannot just wake up and grow the hemp plant; nope-it is done under strict regulations as per the U.S Department of Agriculture. Industrial hemp intended for extraction of the oil is grown in a secure environment, free of contaminants. Thus when buying the hemp oil product, you must ensure you get it from a reputable company with a clear source.
Third party testing
It is not enough to have the hemp oil tested for purity, potency, safety and quality from the manufacturer’s labs. The hemp must go to a third party lab where it is tested and verified as free from any traces of THC and other harmful elements, including contaminants. Before you buy, check the label for the third party lab where the product was tested and whether it is certified by the U.S government.
CBD hemp oil is a product of the marijuana plant that has so many benefits. However, before you buy the product, you must verify that you are getting the right thing that will improve your body health and achieve your intended results. It’s also prudent to use the product with guidance from the experts.