5 Tips To Build SEO Friendly Website

Nowadays, in the digital world the small scale industries can increase their business with the help of the website. But just to make a website will not help to get traffic in your website & if traffic is getting in your website but not getting conversion then what is the use of website which does not convert sales and leads towards website. 

To ensure that your website converts it smoothly, less bounce rate in your website, try to give accurate results to the customers who find the related to your product or service. So here are the 7 best tips to build SEO friendly websites and generate traffic which gives the best conversion to your business.

Planning Your Website :-

  • While creating your website just keep in mind that what users will search products in your website that URL should redirect to the customers to purchase that product.
  • A most important thing of your landing page should be optimize with the keywords that customers will search to make relevant users search.
  • For example, If a user is searching for a leather jacket online and you are having a leather store, the user then redirects that page which they want to purchase.

Creative Domain Name To Brand Business :

  • Keep your domain name regarding the relevant business, so that if the user searches regarding your product type your domain should be on the search engine result page (SERp’s).
  • The domain will gain traffic to your website with the help of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
  • If you target the audience globally, your domain will definitely be .com ( commercial website ). But if you target your audience to the local market then you can take domain particular country wise domain (i.e. .us, .uk, .in etc).

Hosting Company Should Provide Better Service :

  • Hosting is the process which keeps your business 24/7 online. 
  • It helps to target the primary target with a recovery plan which package you have taken to the hosting company.

Unique Design For Traffic  :

  • Every Website developer should know two basic principles to make website SEO friendly for all digital marketing agencies who will audit your website.
  • Uniqueness and accessibility are the two most things to make your website better ranking in SERPs.
  • Uniqueness will help your website to show more creative content to the user through which users will give less bounce rate to the website & less bounce rate helps web page to rank on higher difficulty keywords within limited span of time.
  • Accessibility is the process to check the website which is developed are working in all devices like mobile, desktop, laptop, tablets etc through which user surf web pages in any device to purchase the product.
  • So in this process when you test your website speed, average speed should be 30-55 % to direct the page easily.

More Content Provides More Knowledge :

  • While when we talk about the SEO process, every executive who does SEO of theri website needs content to stuff their keyword which users search in SERPs.
  • So here are the two key points which helps you to provide the user better information to believe about the products
  • Plagiarism
  • Content should be unique, sentences are not repeated by someone which you have uploaded in your content.
  • Articles should be minimum of 500 words
  •  Keyword Stuffing 
  • The paragraph which is applied in your website should have stuff keywords related to your users.
  • When users search keywords most of the time and that keyword is applied in all your pages will might help to redirect users to your website.

In conclusion, websites should be as simple as the user wants too. If you are looking for all these services then search a digital marketing agency in Mumbai to get lots of agencies which will guide your websites. Some Agencies will audit your website regarding SEO.