6 Advantages of Transcribing an Interview

Transcribing an interview speeds up the analysis process and provides a rich source for insights to be gleaned. This can be done by hand or with the help of transcription software, but either way, it’s an easy way to make sure you don’t miss anything important that was said during the interview. Here are six advantages of transcribing an interview.

 A consistent way to capture accuracy


The biggest advantage of using a professional transcription service is that you don’t have to worry about accuracy. Whether you interview by phone or in person, it’s important to capture every word without fail. And since transcribing is such a tedious process, it’s best to leave it to professionals who have years of experience in capturing data accurately and efficiently.


Fully engage in an interview

Interviewing someone requires a great deal of mental juggling. In addition to asking relevant questions, you’re also listening carefully, paying attention to the details so that you can decide what questions you want to ask next. Furthermore, you do not want to miss anything, so make sure you write everything down at the same time!

This can be made easier by transcribing interviews. If you record the interview, you won’t have to rush to scribble down notes. Instead, you can stay fully engaged in what’s happening, so that you don’t miss anything important. You can rest easy knowing that once you get a transcript, you have an accurate record of what was said, especially if you use a professional transcription service.  



Saves time

The biggest benefit of interview transcription services is that it speeds up and simplifies data analysis. It takes a lot less time to pull insights from an audio file than from handwritten notes, which are more likely to contain mistakes. With transcripts in hand, you can start analysing data faster than ever before.


Easy to Collaborate Across the Workplace

It is often necessary for more than one person to observe interviews and the results they reveal. Each completed interview is often needed by entire workplace departments at a moment’s notice. Thanks to transcription, this is easy to accomplish.


Lasting Records You Can Trust


In a transcription, every bit of information is written down verbatim. This means you can trust your transcription as a record of what was said, right down to mispronunciations and grunts. You can read through a transcript line by line or skim it in search of specific topics or subjects. For example  you can easily go back and revisit specific comments from interviewees when needed. With these to hand, you will find yourself in the ideal position to access interviews from years previous at the click of a button.



The major advantage of transcribing your interview is that it allows you to take a step back and think about what was said in a self-referential way. By transcribing your interview and reviewing it word for word, you’ll be able to reflect on what your subject has said in context, rather than as whole thoughts. If a comment wasn’t clear or didn’t make sense, you can easily go back and have them clarify what they meant.

The benefits of transcription services are overstated. In addition to speeding up analysis and creating a rich source for insights, it creates a record of your conversation that you can return to for future reference and reflection.

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