6 Must-Visit Tourist Destinations in Bintan

Bintan is the largest island in the Riau Archipelago. On this island, there is the capital of the Riau Islands Province, namely Tanjung Pinang. It is strategically located, bordering Singapore and Malaysia so that in the past, many traders from and to China stopped at Bintan.

Having beautiful scenery with interesting culinary and handicrafts, Bintan has become a favorite for local and foreign tourists for the last few years. Now, because it borders two countries, there is a special regulation issued by Bank Indonesia. Regulation number 17/11/DKSP issued on June 1, 2015, contains the obligation to use Indonesian currency during transactions in Bintan.

Because of the many tourist destinations in Bintan, many tourists stay for a long time to taste these beautiful areas. Well, if you want to travel to Bintan but are confused about where to go, let’s see the explanation of the following ten tourist destinations in Bintan.

Penyengat Island

Penyengat Island must be included in your list of tourist destinations when on vacation to Bintan. Penyengat is located in the center of Bintan, namely Tanjung Pinang, Riau, which is indeed thick with Malay customs. This is because in Penyengat there is the Sultan Riau Grand Mosque, one of the Malay cultural heritage.

This ancient mosque from the Sultanate of Johor stands majestically in Tanjung Pinang. Tourists will immediately see the building that contrasts with its surroundings because it looks dashing. The building style, which is typical of the Malay sultanate, is dominated by gold with a large aesthetic gate.

Air Adventure Flying Club Bintan

While on vacation to enjoy the nature of the city of Bintan, you should also try a different way, namely enjoying from a height by flying using the Air Adventure Flying Club. Enjoying the nature of the city of Bintan feels even more perfect by using this plane. In addition, activities like this will be an unforgettable experience. From a height, the picture is also definitely more perfect.

The tourists are invited to fly using an open Amphibious plane to become an exciting experience and better enjoy the nature of Bintan City more clearly. The manager provides a pilot who will accompany you to enjoy the nature of the city of Bintan from a height. Where else can you experience a holiday like this if not in the city of Bintan?

Thousand Faces Statue Temple

In Bintan, there are Buddhist relics that are so famous for their uniqueness. It is the Temple of the Thousand Faces Statue. Located at KM 14 Kijang Kota, Tanjungpinang, this monastery has another name Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

The Thousand Faces Statue Monastery is intended to worship the Buddhist community, but this location is also open to the public with an entrance fee of IDR 5,000. There are about 500 statues with different expressions and sizes. That said, temple donors from the Ling Shan Foundation are still looking for donors to build new statues. Wow, it could be a thousand, right! Very cool.

Trikora Beach

A glimpse of Trikora Beach makes memories of Belitung appear. This is because this beach is slightly similar to Tanjung Tinggi Beach, located on Tanjung Island with its granite rocks. The beach has a fairly long coastline and is often referred to as Batu Granite Beach because on the shore there are rows of exotic granite stones.

Arriving at Trikora Beach, we are greeted with stunning natural scenery. It is very visible that this beach is still very natural and continues to be maintained to not be damaged. Trikora Beach looks shady because of the many green trees. Near the beach is also lined with small huts that tourists can rent to shelter or eat food.

The place is also very clean so that tourists who want to sunbathe can enjoy the warm sun without interruption. In addition, you can also try to explore the shoreline to enjoy the beautiful waves and the breeze. Another activity that should not be missed is snorkeling or diving to enjoy the beauty of the underwater world.

Senggiling Beach

Senggiling Beach can be visited by traveling for 1.5 hours via Tanjung Pinang. Located in Sebong Bay, Senggiling Beach does have a long and challenging route, so the name of this beach is less well known to tourists than Trikora Beach. However, the view of this beach is wonderful. This white sandy beach is one of the destinations that you must visit when on vacation in Bintan.

Charcoal House

Want to feel an exciting and unique vacation while in the city of Bintan, Riau Islands? Then you can visit the Rumah Charcoal tourist attraction, located in Busung, Seri Kuala Labam District, Bintan Regency, Riau Islands.

Called Rumah Charcoal, it does not mean that the shape or material used to make it comes from charcoal, but this unique house was used to burn charcoal by the surrounding community. This building is uniquely shaped like a red igloo surrounded by green grass, making it look more beautiful and natural. To enter this house, we do not need to spend money to pay for the entrance ticket because it is free.

That was a series of information about tourist attractions that you must visit. These places offer captivating natural scenery that makes anyone reluctant to go home. Before you plan a trip to Bintan, be sure to read more about Bintan and Indonesia by visiting Wonderful Indonesia.