7 Things You Did not Know About Traveling

Life is much more than just staying in one place for the rest of your lives. With the advancement in lives of people, people don’t feel the urge to travel much because they can access everything by staying at one place only. This is not really a bad thing but to start relishing the beauty the world has to offer you need to travel more frequently. Traveling can give you many life changing experiences as well. This is why we have gathered some important facts about traveling which might come in handy for you.

  1. Traveling Provides 10% Of Jobs Around The World:

If we take in to account all the direct jobs associated with the traveling sector, it employs almost 120 million people all around the world. While including both direct and indirect jobs, the number rises up to almost 310 million which is one tenth of the world’s employees.

  1. Claiming Of Flight Delay Compensations:

If something out of the ordinary like flight delay happens, make sure to file for a claim. In Europe, if your flight has been delayed for more than four hours the designated time, you have a right to make a flight delay compensation as soon as you get home or else you may be declared ineligible if you waited too long to file the complaint. Gather all the necessary documents and keep a record of the services provided to you for filling the feedback forms correctly.

  1. Temperature Of A Normal Flight:

The temperature outside your airplane during any normal flight revolves around -60F. This is the coldest temperature as compared to any part of the earth at any given time of the year.

  1. About Jet Lags:

Jet lag is a disorder for a temporary period which causes symptoms such as insomnia and tiredness due to journeying around multiple zones. The worst jet lag can be experienced if you move from west to east.

  1. The Shortest Traveling Destination:

Many of you don’t know the duration of the shortest available flight out there. You will be amazed to know that the shortest flight out there lasts only for 120 seconds running between Scottish Island of Westray to Papa Westray.

  1. The Longest Traveling Destination:

Another thing which many people don’t know is that the longest flight in the world covers 16 hours and runs between Sydney To Dallas traveling nearly 8,500 miles.

  1. The Most Luxurious Hotel Room To Stay In While Traveling:

While traveling it is very important to book rooms at hotels which are affordable and economical. Some people also book expensive suites to experience all the luxuries of it. What they don’t know is that the most costly hotel room on the planet is the Royal Penthouse Suite located in Geneva and it costs even more than $80,000 dollars a night.

Although a common activity, people don’t know many things related to traveling. This is why they need to have knowledge about things they did not know traveling.