A Comprehensive Guide to Finding the Right Elbow Surgeon

Just like any other part of the hand, elbow surgery will involve an interdisciplinary approach to your elbow care as the treatment and recovery depend on some factors. These may include post-surgical elbow therapy, the surgeons’ knowledge and technical knowledge, occupational therapy and the remedies of any underlying medical issues as well as managing them. Since your elbow doctor in Portland will play a significant role to ensure successful elbow surgery, getting a reliable surgeon is vital. That is why I combined a comprehensive guide to getting one.

Ask for recommendations

You will need to ask advice from various source to get an elbow surgeon who you can trust with your body. Some of the more significant sources of getting these recommendations include:

Your general practitioner; your GP can offer you a referral to a reliable elbow surgeon. They have a long list of dedicated doctors who have successfully treated conditions like yours.

Relatives and friends; if one of your friends or family members had a recent surgery had experienced good results, they could recommend a surgeon to you.


When searching for a surgeon, their experience is a crucial factor to consider. This doesn’t just mean the time the surgeon has been operating, but you should consider their training, their experience in various healthcare settings and if they take part during research. Majoring your research on the doctor’s biography can help you get a surgeon who is experienced in treating your condition.

Evaluate the doctor’s education credentials

Ensure that you spend much time to review your surgeon’s education background, including the degrees, education and training. Check whether the surgeon is board-certified and the association which certifies him or her.

Pay a visiting to the surgeon’s office or the hospital.

After you have narrowed down all your choices, you should meet directly with your potential surgeon. Make use of this time to discuss your condition.  The perfect doctor for you will listen to your medical history and tell you exactly what to you need to elbow replacement surgery. Ensure you choose a doctor who will make you comfortable.

You can check on surgical equipment.

 Check the place where the surgery is performed and check if the essential equipment is available. With robust experience and expertise, and elbow surgeon can get the latest equipment to ensure better results.

Get the estimated cost in place.

When it comes to elbow surgery, the procedure cost and the cost for follow-up physical therapies should be accounted for. Virtually, ensure you determine if the surgeon has insurance coverage to avoid out-of-pocket expenses.

Remember that your future health will depend on the significant decision you will make when selecting the perfect elbow surgeon. Even when everything seems fair at first, you should not skip on getting another opinion even from another hospital. You can get valuable insight and perspective which will work for your benefit.

You will have a lot of questions regarding your elbow replacement surgery. In the final decision, you will need to take your time to review several surgeons and don’t be afraid to ask any question. Don’t make a mistake of moving forward with an elbow surgery until you feel comfortable with your surgeon, equipment and the procedure. Remember that your future health depends on it.