Advantages of opting for responsive web design

Since the year 2015, it has been observed that mobile traffic has crossed 2 billion. Currently, it has been noted that over 80% of all online searches are done via the use of mobile devices. Since there was a steep increase in the use of mobile devices for accessing the web, Google had to release a new search algorithm in 2015 which involved mobile-friendliness as a part of the ranking factors for the website. The purpose of the mobile ranking algorithm was to provide a boost to mobile-friendly pages in search results.

Those websites that struggled with mobile-friendliness experienced a decline in their rankings. This is why the responsive web designs came into the picture. Responsive web designs have become an increasingly popular trend that you can get done from web design Malaysia.

What is a responsive web design?

A responsive web design is when your website can adjust itself according to the different screen sizes. Nowadays, people are not restricted to using the Internet to laptops. Most people use tablets, smartphones with varying screen sizes, and laptops to access the web. Therefore, your website should be able to adjust its layout according to the device it is being viewed on, whether it is a phone, tablet, or laptop.

Responsive designs have been observed to have a positive impact on the conversion rates as well as the SEO of the website. They also enhance the user experience.

Advantages of responsive web designs

Better SEO

The primary advantage of opting for a responsive web design on your website is to improve the site’s search ranking. When Google ranks a site, it considers mobile-friendliness as one of the key factors for the ranking process. Therefore, if the website is not responsive, it will have a lower search engine ranking. Contact web design Kuala Lumpur for all your website designing needs.

Enhanced user experience

When your website design is responsive, visitors have a good experience, whether they view your site from their mobile, tablet, or laptop. With a responsive web design, the website easily adjusts to different screen sizes and easily access buttons and menus. If the audience finds it difficult to navigate through your website, they will not stay for long periods.

Traffic increase

According to a traffic survey, it has been observed that were 80% of global traffic comes from mobile and tablets. This indicates how important a responsive website design is. When you implement a responsive design on your website, users will easily navigate and find the content they are looking for. Therefore, it will increase not only your website visitors and the time that the visitors spend on your website.

Quick loading times

If it takes 10 to 20 seconds for the website to load, and there is a chance that the audience may leave your website before all the content even loads. If your website has a responsive design, it will load faster irrespective of the device being used for access.