All about orthopedic disorders

Your musculoskeletal organs perform a great role in your body. As such, if you have a musculoskeletal issue, you should consult an orthopedist. Some of the musculoskeletal components which you could have issues with include ligaments, joints, tissues, bones, and tendons. Joints are known to facilitate body parts’ movement while bones bond with your flesh. Weak or damaged joints and bones cause severe complications, which can further prolong paralysis. Undergoing medical checkups keep you in a position of noticing musculoskeletal complications early. If you have musculoskeletal conditions, Brooklyn orthopedics are specialists in treating and managing orthopedic diseases. Below are examples of the major orthopedic diseases.

The major examples of orthopedic disorders and their signs and symptoms

There are many types of musculoskeletal diseases that affect specific parts of your body. Orthopedic diseases mostly affect nerves, ligaments, and tissues around your joints and bone areas. These conditions may start as a small pain, but it progresses to severity as time goes. The primary orthopedic disorders diseases include;

  •       Neck pain. Neck pain is one of the most occurring orthopedic disorders to many people. Neck complications result from issues like injuries, accidents, and bad sleeping postures. Neckbone fractures and excess rotation of your neck also lead to neck pain. Symptoms of neck pain are frequent headaches, difficulties while turning your neck, pain, and tingling sensation. It is vital to seek treatment if the disease is not recovering on its own.
  •       Bone fractures. Some of your daily activities keep you at risk of breaking bones, and others shifting from their positions. According to research, bone fractures can either be open or closed. For open fractures, the damaged bone pops out of the skin, and they can be seen with the naked eye. This is caused by severe accidents or injuries. On the other hand, closed fractures are fractures that cannot be seen using the naked eye. Non-severe injuries bring closed fractures. Doctors perform x-rays and CT scans, and magnetic resonance imaging to locate the fracture.  Symptoms of fractured bones include;
  •   Pain around the area of the fracture
  •   Inflammation and swelling of tissues
  •   Difficulties in moving the fracture area
  •   Weak joints etc.
  •       Back pain disorder. Back pain can affect every person according to their type of work. Older people are mostly affected by back pain due to wear and tear of tissue and nerve. Factors like disease, pregnancy, and work are known to promote the occurrences of back pain. When spinal nerves and tissues gain excess pressure from the surrounding environment, they cause pain. Disc degeneration and herniated spinal discs are known to cause friction to tissues and nerves, thus resulting in pain. Symptoms of back pain include inflammation of nerves and tissues, sharp pain that moves down to the leg via buttocks, numbness, tingling, difficulties in walking, sleeping, and sometimes a fever may occur.

It is very important to keep your musculoskeletal system healthy. Joints, bones, tissues, and nerves are the most affected part by orthopedic diseases. The orthopedic disease may become severe. If not managed early it can cause more health complications. Brooklyn Medical Services of NY PLLC treats and manages orthopedic diseases. Why then keep silent while you can get help from them. Contact them today!