All you need to know about attention deficit disorder

Most children and adults who have outgrown the hyperactivity of attention-deficit hyperactive disorder are more likely to suffer from attention-deficit disorder. Attention deficit disorder is a neurological condition that causes a wide range of behavior problems like difficulty in focusing on schoolwork, adhering to instructions, completing tasks, keeping up with assignments, socializing, and following instructions. Therefore, a therapist in Uptown is qualified at reviewing and evaluating your symptoms to diagnose the attention-deficit disorder and address the functioning and concentrating issues it usually poses.

What is the difference between attention deficit disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder?

Both attention-deficit disorder and attention-deficit hyperactive disorder affect how one can remain focused on everyday things like job responsibilities, schoolwork, and even other essential things like getting dressed or cooking. However, the main difference between the two disorders is that for the hyperactive component, which is present in attention-deficit hyperactive disorder. In most cases, people, especially children with hyperactive disorder, cannot sit still but are very active. Parents and teachers can know quickly when the child is suffering from this condition because the kid presents with rowdy behavior.

On the other hand, people suffering from the attention-deficit disorder are not easily spotted. For instance, children with this disorder are always quiet, daydreaming, or dozing off in the classroom rather than acting out constantly in the class. They also have some difficulties with focus and require added sources to thwart this condition to do well in their schoolwork. Since the condition is challenging to identify, the kids may not get the help they need early before the condition affects their performance in various activities.

How can one spot attention-deficit disorder (ADD?)

Since children with ADD are not characterized by the symptoms that those with ADHD present with, parents are therefore required to be very alert and keen to spot those with ADD. Children with ADD listen to what adults tell them. Still, they are not able to differentiate the critical information from the less critical information, and at times it seems like they did not listen to instructions.

You can also look for things like when you tell your kid to clean up the room, and they start watching the television minutes later and have not done what you enquired. It might signify that your child has ADD. It might be frustrating to know this, but the child is trying to grasp everything, the problem is that they cannot separate what needs more attention than the other.

It is also essential to note that most patients with ADHD usually outgrow the hyperactive component when becoming an adult. However, most of them also do not outgrow the attention deficit part and end up having ADD.  

How is ADD treated?

The most crucial step in treating ADD is identifying it and getting the help you or your child requires. The care professionals also offer comprehensive counseling and talk therapy to address organizational and concentration functioning issues to provide you with some techniques to help you cope with ADD. They also prescribe some medications to complement therapy and achieve optimal results.

In case you are either having ADD or ADHD symptoms, call or visit Uptown psych today to be diagnosed and treated appropriately.