Causes Of Anxiety

Stress and emotional stress trigger feelings of fear. Fear can also arise with almost any mental illness. Depression and anxiety often go hand in hand.

Stress triggers the same reactions in the body as fear. Persistent stress, in turn, creates anxiety, especially when it is associated with negative feelings and pressure. If there are no relaxation phases, constant stress and high demands can lead to excessive fear reactions. These show up in constant fearful tension or discharge in panic attacks. Any new task can panic those affected.

The consequence of such constant tension is often complete internal exhaustion, a burnout syndrome. Those affected feel physically and mentally “burned out,” lacking drive, and incapable of action. In addition, they often suffer from anxiety, insomnia, and cardiovascular problems.

Stress management, targeted behavioral programs, relaxation techniques, and, if necessary, supportive psychotherapy help people who suffer from the effects of stress and burnout. In this way, they learn to replenish their energy reserves, incorporate relaxation phases into their everyday lives, and find a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Phobias, panic disorders, or generalized anxiety disorders are often associated with depression, especially when they become chronic. Often it is then a mixed anxiety disorder. Conversely, depressive illnesses are often the cause of feelings of fear.

Depression shows itself in different forms and forms. The triggers are diverse and cannot always be delineated. There are usually several factors that come together. Hereditary predisposition, stress, considerable physical and emotional stress, experiences of loss, aging processes, or physical illnesses all promote the development of depression. A depressive episode can sometimes occur for no apparent cause.

Imbalances in the nervous system in the brain change the behavior and characteristically thinking of depressed people. In addition to emotional symptoms, physical complaints also occur in depression. These can be so pronounced that the actual mental illness is hidden behind them.

The fluctuations in the sex hormones in the woman’s monthly cycle also apparently contribute to impairing the emotional life to a greater or lesser extent. Many women experience this “on the days before the days” – that is, in the second half of their cycle, before the next menstrual period starts. Those affected feel physically uncomfortable and emotionally unstable.

The psychological changes range from nervousness, irritability, mood swings, and sleep disorders to increased anxiety and take on depressive traits. A wide range of physical complaints includes pain or tenderness in the breasts, cramps in the abdomen, and feeling puffy. Doctors call this premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The so-called premenstrual dysphoria (English abbreviation: PMDD) corresponds to a particularly strong expression, especially psychological symptoms. For more information on the inhibitors, you might want to read guides like Mao inhibitor guide for example