Clean Master apk

We can call the clean Master app in different ways. The real use of it is the cleaning process. It may help to clean all the clutter in your device. Other than that we can call that app an anti-virus too. Except for the above two ways there is another one remaining. That is the battery saver. I know, now you have a question. How a cleaner can act as an anti-virus. And also as a battery saver. You would get to know about such things through the following.

   But that is the truth. The above app is acting in those three ways. So now you know the basic details about the clean Master apk. That is not a single app. Therefore it is carrying out various functions. Would you like to know them? Yes, certainly. Then we turned towards the specific features of the above clean Master apk.

Features of the Clean Master APK.

  • This is a cleaner that specially designed for the androids
  • Light app
  • This is acting very fast. That means it cleans your device at a single minute
  • It cleans all junk files within your device
  • After cleaning you can make more space free within your device
  • From Freeing up more space you can make your device faster than before. Because there are no unnecessary things on your phone.

Those are the main features that you can expect from the above-mentioned app. Except from the main features the following are the significant uses from the above app. Already you know some of them. Shall we see it?

  • As a cleaner
  • As an anti-virus
  • As a battery saver
  • Junk cleaning
  • Speed booster

Then we see how is that practically applicable with the above uses.

As a junk cleaner

   This is the main activity for the clean Master. It will remove all th and junk files. And the cache files too. The junk files even consume much space. That space will be free after running this app. Also this above process makes the phone faster.

Speed booster

   This process only needs a single tap. How is my device sped up by this process? It will optimise the RAM. After that it will release the memory. Then your android device gets speeded up more than ever.

Battery saver

   Battery is an essential part of any device. The users are expected to keep the battery of the device long lasting.

  In your device there may be certain battery-draining apps may include. You can observe the battery usage history and status. Then you are able to stop such apps from your device. Through the above process the battery life will get optimized. You can keep the battery of the device for a long time.

  These all are the features of Clean Master apk. All existing bugs have been fixed even.

For more information about this app click here:


  1. What is the size of this app?  

    That is about 4.4 MB sized app

  1. Is that a free app?

   Yes, no need to purchase this app.

  1. Where could I get downloaded that app?

   You can get it from the Google Play Store.

User Opinions

 They said that this is the best app they had ever seen for the maintenance of the android devices. But now there are more ads contained in this app. Also they said that this is one of the great app.