Death, Disease and Disability – The 3D’s of Term Insurance


Everybody might have different fears in their lives. While most of you might fear to lose your loved ones, the rest of you might be scared to lose your jobs. The primary reason for these fears can be the unpredictability of life. According to a report, it has been observed that 84% of the Indian population believes their lives are uncertain. While you might not be unable to control the uncertainties, you can protect yourselves from any announced contingency like a medical emergency, critical illness, permanent or temporary disability, and so forth. 

Due to the increasing awareness of insurance, you might opt for financial coverage to secure yourselves from emergencies. Although there are numerous insurance plans in the market, you should buy term insurance to receive financial support. Let’s first begin by understanding what is term insurance plan in detail:

Term insurance plans are pure protection plans with the primary objective of financial safety. In your absence, a term insurance plan offers a pay-out called the death benefit. Your family can continue to maintain their standard of living when you won’t be around to provide for them. In addition to this, the members of your family can take the decision to receive it either every month or as a whole in a lump-sum amount. 

Under term insurance plans, you can receive protection during three different scenarios, which are mentioned below. Therefore, let’s take a look to understand the three different circumstances under which term insurance plans offer financial protection: 

  1. Death

The loss of a loved one can seem unimaginable. For instance, if you are the breadwinner of your family, your family members might not only suffer emotionally but also financially in your absence. However, you can control the financial aspect of your loss by buying term insurance. When you are unable to look after your family’s financial needs, a term plan offers a death pay-out to safeguard them in the long run. 

A term insurance plan offers high coverage at a low rate. Therefore, consider your family’s financial needs before buying term insurance. When you prioritize their financial goals, you might be able to ensure adequate financial support over a long time.

  1. Disease

Due to your dynamic lifestyles and rigorous working cultures, you might be prone to critical diseases like heart attack, stroke, and so forth. Treating such severe health conditions can create a hole in your pocket due to the rising hospital costs. Due to the expensive hospital bills, you might tend to ignore your health. Delaying or ignoring the severity of any disease might have life-threatening effects on your health.

A term insurance plan offers a life coverage along with additional riders that cover critical diseases. Therefore, you should purchase a term plan at a young age with extra riders since it might be relatively cheaper. When you buy term insurance with a critical illness cover, you can receive financial aid for your severe medical condition. 

  1. Disability 

Since term insurance is a protection plan, many of you might only purchase it to offer financial support to your family after your demise. However, a term plan can also help you when you are unable to provide financial protection after sustaining an injury, which might lead to permanent or temporary disability. 

During a permanent or temporary disability, you should purchase a physical disability cover from your insurer. When you purchase a physical disability cover, your insurer can give your sum assured amount to compensate for the loss of your income. 

To sum up, it can be imperative to assess the risks of these 3Ds mentioned above while purchasing a term insurance policy. As a policyholder, you should use the additional riders and term insurance benefits to enhance your policy. A 3D shield under a term plan can protect you financially from the eventualities of life.