FBA and EBC: Two birds in Amazon market place sky

Amazon has a fabulous arrangement fulfilled by amazon popularly known as FBA. By using this service seller gets access to huge storage and fulfilment facility of Amazon. If you are utilizing this service you also get benefit of Amazon Prime. Seller needs to send their product to Amazon fulfilment centre and Amazon will create space for your inventory and ship it to customers once order is placed.

This is a great arrangement but issues starts sometimes when a product is returned. When a customer returns a product it returns to amazon fulfilment centre and inspected for it being sellable. During this process delays are observed due to vast inventory of Amazon. Back and forth communications also lead to seller account being not reimbursed and hence the need of FBA refund services. You will find service companies involved in each step from your side.

How FBA refunds works

There are specialized firms which can help you with FBA refunds. You need to either provide the firm your login credentials for FBA sale transactions or you can provide your sales log. This log is then scrutinized to obtain the evidences and reasons due to which your money wasn’t reimbursed to you. After due justification has been obtained a support ticket is raised on your behalf with Amazon and case is followed up judiciously to get you your FBA refunds back to you.

Before you start selling on Amazon you need to ensure that your brand presence is felt so that you are uniquely placed on this big market place known as Amazon. You need to carve a unique image using Amazon enhanced brand content. Beautifully and tastefully taken product photographs, supported by relevant and catchy phrase takes your product to the next level.

How to choose the firm to create Amazon enhanced brand content for you:

  • Design that prompts to sell : Content design firm should be able to create a design which invites customer to page, hold him/her for some time and create a positive image about the product so that he/she are bound to buy.
  • Brains which think different: You need to hire a design firm which thinks different as normal is getting boring for everyone including children, youngsters to home makers.  A uniquely designed product with a cool concept sells like a hot cake.
  • Budget is the buzzword: You can spend thousands and get a design to work for you at the same time you can spend couple of twenties and can get a better design. A designer with a practical approach, having an eye for detail and who can feel the pulse of your prospective buyer while working within your budget is what you need.

FBA and EBC are two major keywords of Amazon world. To make it working for you in this big market place, utilize these two fascinating services.