Finance and Accounting in Africa: One of the most sought after profiles

Accounting in Africa – The increase in the phenomenon of offshoring, business creation, joint ventures have transformed the world of work in Africa. They have created considerable recruitment needs.

Many companies in Africa are experiencing a shortage of skills in middle management. Among the most affected departments, Finance and Accounting in Africa is one of the key drivers for companies to grow. Thus, accounting jobs, especially specialized and experienced ones, are in high demand. From large multinationals to smaller companies, including SMEs, SMIs, NGOs, etc. But it is especially at the level of executive positions, such as finance management. But also key account managers, chief accountants, financial analysts, that the recruitment needs are felt.

By the way, what job is it?

Accounting is a profession that masters several skills, where contacts and relationships are far from being put aside. It is, of course, a job where computer work is an important part of the job. But internal contacts with other departments (sales, purchasing, management, HR, etc.) are very frequent. As well as externally with the company’s financial partners or with clients in an accounting firm. The Accountant is attached to the financial management or to the general management. The Accountant must manage an increase in activity during the fiscal period which extends from January to the end of April. Rigor, honesty, method and organization are essential qualities to be an Accountant. The Accountant must also be curious and regularly update his knowledge. The principle of prudence must govern the way he approaches his work. His or her interpersonal skills will be an asset for his or her professional development.

Experienced professionals are highly sought after.

Accountants who have experience in a firm are particularly appreciated by companies and have a faster career progression. When starting out, internships and temporary work allow you to gain your first experience; they should not be neglected. In a firm, the Accountant will be able to evolve towards the position of head of mission, but often the Accountant works in a company as well as in a Chartered Accountancy firm. Their career prospects and employability are thus broadened. In a company, his missions are extensive, he is the sole accountant and must be able to intervene in related areas: establish a cash flow budget, calculate taxes and make tax returns, establish salaries, make budget forecasts or analyze the balance sheet and income statement. In an accounting department in Africa, the missions can be very specialized such as, for example, taking care of the accounts receivable or payable. In an accounting firm, the accountant takes charge of a client portfolio to manage the accounting independently.