Foul Odors in Bathroom Drains? Try These Easy Fixes

We don’t give much thought to household chores like drain cleaning until we seem to have a clog or a foul smell develops.

You did know clogs are a leading cause of bathroom odors, right? These clogs tend to be a combination of toothpaste, soap residue, hair, creams, etc. that we use in the shower and bathroom frequently.

If the odor isn’t too foul, you might want to contend with it yourself, and then take preventive action in the future to stave off odors and clogs.

Getting Rid of Immediate Clogs and Odors

To get rid of the immediate odor, you can use some common household solutions. Absolutely do not use any type of ‘drain cleaners’ that are caustic.

Instead, use a solution of about 3 cups of vinegar, a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice, a teaspoon or two of salt and about 1/4 cup of baking soda. Pour this into the sink to sit for about an hour before rinsing with nearly boiling water to help force the clog out.

You may want to employ a plunger to loosen up debris if the first treatment seems to help but not fully resolve the slow drain or smell.

Repeat step one until it is resolved. If you still have smells that just won’t go away, you might need a professional drain cleaning from an experience plumber.

Preventing Odors and Clogs with Routine Drain Cleaning

A bit of weekly and monthly attention to bathroom drains can make a world of difference in how your space smells. Prevent buildups that source bacterial odors with weekly cleanings of the stoppers and drain guards.

Gently use an old toothbrush to remove residue that debris and odor causing substance cling too. Do a good hot water rinse with an odor killing agent such as citrus juices and baking soda or even hydrogen peroxide combinations every two weeks if possible.

Prolific and consistent odors may indicate a larger or more complex plumbing concern, so reach out to a professional if routine cleaning and maintenance proves unhelpful.