Four Reasons To Switch Your Office To PDF mode

The PDF file format is the most popular mode of file transmission globally. The offices and universities are switching to PDF as their default mode of file transfer because of logistical ease. Additionally, PDF files take very little space on the drive, making them feasible for cloud and server storage. There are several other advantages to PDF too, and if you have just started your business, here are five reasons to switch your office’s de facto file format to PDF.

Universal accessibility

The greatest logistical difficulty attached to file transfers was the system compatibility. Several file extensions work exclusively on their designated OS. This created a problem because the employer had to ensure that all the employees/clients were in the same ecosystem.

This called for uniform OS installations on all the devices, which was costly. However, PDF resolved this archaic issue by being universally accessible. This means that anyone can open a PDF file easily without worrying about their OS.

In today’s world, when corporations are prioritizing work from home, PDF is a lifesaver because it allows employees to work from their personal devices. Therefore, if your office operates digitally, you must switch to PDF as your default file extension to save time and money.

Easy content access

The major issue with several other file extensions is that you require an OS-specific application to access the file contents. Now, some of those applications need you to subscribe to a paid version to get complete access to the file.

This would mean that your company would have to bear the extra cost of unwarranted subscriptions. With PDF, content accessibility is not an issue because all you need is a browser. Almost all the stock OS browsers are equipped to generate a PDF file in a new window.

You just have to click on the concerned file, and the browser will automatically open up the content for you. For people who are technologically impaired, accessing a PDF file is a piece of cake.

Although, if your browser doesn’t support PDF extension, simply install Adobe Reader on your device to get content access.

Adobe Reader is the stock application for PDF viewing and is free of cost. However, if you want editable PDF files, you can install a PDF editor on your system to get your hands on some extra tools.

OCR technology

Optical Character Recognition technology has helped offices go paperless easily. Several file scanners work with a PDF format to convert any physical document into a digital note. You can then save all these files on the cloud and assort them per your needs.

This also helps in easy access to the desired file and also saves the environment. The OCR technology works with any camera device, so you won’t have to spend extra bucks on exclusive devices.

Universal editability options

A PDF file is very efficient in preserving the content information because it is meant for read-only purposes. However, sometimes, there is a need to make some essential edits in a document, which requires specialized tools.

For this reason, you can simply convert your PDF file via an editor to any other file format and access the required tools. For example, if you want to use MS Word tools on a PDF file, simply convert the file from PDF to Word and proceed with your task.