Gain of knowledge continues till your last breath:

Humans are superior to any other creature in the world. The reason is that humans are awarded with the power of wisdom. Humans have the power of thinking. The ability to think creates wonders. Just see the humans today and the humans present on Earth a thousand years ago. They are totally different and this difference is created due to knowledge. Today, humans are more civilized and developed. They have raised their living standard. Humans continue to gain knowledge till their last. It is not the only thing that we gain from reading books. We also gain knowledge from our routine life experiences. We also pass the knowledge from one generation to the other.

The power of knowledge:

The power of knowledge can be proved by observing the advancements of the modern world. We are surrounded by luxuries. We can order food right from our home. We can earn by working from home. See the difference between a car of today and a car from the 20th century. Self driving cars are also being developed to meet the transportation needs. Airplanes can help you to cover a distance of thousands of kilometers in hours. Life became quick due to the beauty of knowledge. Knowledge is like a sea and we have only obtained a cup from the sea. 

Advancements in the field of education:

The progress in the technology sector became possible by adopting modern methods of providing education. Research has solved many problems for humans. That is why many institutions are focusing on research. Funding is being done to improve the quality of research work. Research helps us to seek answers to complex problems. We need to spend on education in order to make some real progress in this world. The world has realized the importance of education.

A tutor has a great role in providing education:

Irrespective of the way that you adopt for getting education, there is always a person behind. The role of a teacher is of great significance. Just see that Google is flooded with knowledge but still the traditional way of teaching is still in use. The reason is that the traditional way of teaching is very effective. Finding the right tutor might be a difficult task. LGT tutoring service helps you in finding the right tutor. They have strict rules for hiring tutors. Thus, all the tutors at LGT are expert in their fields. If you live in Melbourne then you can find the expert Melbourne tutors by visiting the website of LGT tutors.