Here are six Possible Reasons for Heavy Periods

Periods vary from one woman to another, and they can be heavier than average without having a problem. However, you may experience heavy flow due to an underlying condition. Therefore, it is vital to speak about your heavy flow to your experienced Manassas OBGYN at Capital Women’s Care to differentiate between a normal condition and a worrying one. In general, your flow can be said to be heavy if it lasts more than one week or it is heavier than usual. Besides, it can become worrying when it causes several complications such as anemia or affects your daily activities. But why might you be experiencing the heavy flow?

  1. You Have Polyps on Your Uterus or Cervix

According to medical experts, you can experience a heavy flow as a sign of cervical or uterine polyps. These are small growths in your cervix due to an infection or high estrogen levels. Additionally, if your heavy flow is accompanied by spotting between the periods, it pinpoints that you have polyps.

  1. You are Suffering from Endometriosis

A heavy period can sometimes signal endometriosis. This is a complication that occurs when the uterine tissue grows outside the uterus. When the tissues grow on the pelvic cavity, you can also experience other symptoms accompanying the heavy flow, including bowel movement complications, lower back pain before or during your periods, pain during intercourse, and severe menstrual cramps. Although this condition is notorious for diagnosing, it is good to speak to your gynecologist about your heavy flow. They can identify it early before it causes severe complications up to infertility.

  1. You Have a Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

This is a complication caused by an infection in your reproductive organs and can lead to infertility. It can be the reason behind your heavy flow and cause discomfort while urinating and having intercourse, fever, vomiting, nausea, and lower abdomen or stomach pain. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact your Ob/Gyn if you are experiencing heavy periods to rule out this complication, particularly if the above symptoms accompany it.

  1. You Might be at the Risk of Gynecological Cancer

Although this is not common, you might experience heavy periods as a sign of cervical or endometrial cancer. These complications have more minor symptoms initially but can eventually cause kidney damage, weight loss, painful intercourse, abnormal vaginal discharge, and abdominal pain. In this case, you might want to get an endometrial biopsy if your heavy flow is associated with the above symptoms. This is necessary to rule out cancer as the possible cause of your condition.

  1. You Have Fibroid Tumors

This is a common condition affecting about 80% of women, particularly as they approach their 50s. Though the growths are not harmful, they can cause heavy bleeding and are also worth checking out. Besides, they can signify that you are at the risk of sarcoma, a rare but severe form of cancer. If you have fibroids, you can also experience pressure or pain in the abdomen, mainly where they are located.

  1. You are Having Irregular Ovulation

Irregular ovulation can be a result of several hormonal imbalances. The ovulation releases progesterone that prevents the uterine lining from building up. When ovulation happens, and pregnancy does not occur, the lining comes out at once during menstruation and can be the reason for your heavy flow.

These issues that can contribute to your heavy period should not be overlooked. Therefore, please act fast and reach out to your Ob/Gyn for help if you experience a heavy flow.