Here is everything to know about LASIK surgery by IC Laser Eye Care

LASIK stands for laser in-situ keratomileusis, a common surgery for correcting vision in people who are nearsighted, farsighted, and have astigmatism. It works by reshaping the cornea, the clear front part of your eyes so that light focuses on the retina in the back of your eye. Lasik in Hamilton helps to reshape your cornea and improve your vision.

Conditions corrected by LASIK

If you have one of the following conditions, LASIK surgery can be an option for you;

  • Nearsightedness (myopia): You see things clearly when they are near you, but when they are far, they become blurry.
  • Farsightedness (hyperopia): You see far away things clearly but near things are blurry.
  • Astigmatism: Everything becomes blurry due to the shape of your eye.

Suitable candidates

The following categories qualify for this surgery;

  • Should be 18 years and older
  • Should have healthy and thick enough cornea
  • It would be best if you had not changed your eye prescription in the last year.
  • Your refractive error should be treatable

Unsuitable candidates

Rarely will a candidate be turned down for LASIK surgery. Still, several conditions may make it a dangerous procedure, such as those who suffer from severe dry eyes, unstable refractive error, or thin corneas. Other reasons include:

  • Corneal abrasions and diseases
  • Keratoconus and advanced glaucoma
  • Cataracts and uncontrolled diabetes
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers
  • Taking certain medications and those that have changed their vision medication recently
  • Severe myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism
  • Younger than 18 years


A large population has chosen to get LASIK eye surgery. Many have benefited from this advanced procedure, and you could take advantage too. Some of the ways you could benefit  include:

  • Reaching your vision goal.
  • There is little pain involved.
  • There are no bandages and stitches involved.
  • You will not need to use sunglasses and contact lenses after surgery, and even if vision changes, your doctor will be able to adjust back to normal.

Side effects

Like any other surgery, LASIK has some discomfort which is rare and goes away first. They include;

  • Dry eyes and glares
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Scratchy eyes and minor bruises on your eye
  • Trouble driving at night due to seeing halos around images
  • Under corrections and overcorrection lead to fluctuating vision
  • Flap problems, vision changes, and regressions

Before laser surgery

Your ophthalmologist will discuss your needs based on your lifestyle; for example, you may need clear distance vision if you play sports. You will also discuss your expectations after the surgery to reduce levels of being a disappointment. Your surgeon will thoroughly examine by testing your vision, checking for other eye problems, measuring and mapping the size of your cornea, and measuring your pupil.


Your surgeon uses a laser to reshape your eye by;

  1. Numbing your eye with eye drops
  2. Placing an eye holder and a suction ring on your eye to keep it from blinking and moving
  3. Using microkeratome or lasers to make a paper-thin flap in your cornea and folds the flab back
  4. Reshaping the cornea and folding the flap back to heal

After surgery

Your ophthalmologist will give you eyedrops to prevent infection and inflammation, drops to keep the eye moist, use the plastic shield to protect your eyes, and be advised not to swim or use hot tubs for two weeks. You should arrange for a ride home and come back for a check-up.

Talk to your ophthalmologist today

Avoid causing accidents and enjoy those events you like by booking an appointment with IC Laser Eye Care. Get LASIK refractive surgery to restore your vision and get rid of that debilitating pain once and for all.