History of NAC Breda and The Golden Years

NAC Breda was established on 20 September 1912 when the two clubs ADVENDO (Aangenaam Door Vermaak En Nuttig Door Ontspanning (English: Pleasant for its amusement as well as helpful for its relaxation)) and NOAD (Nooit opgeven, Altijd Doorzetten (English: never surrender, always persevere)) combined to one club. Throughout the brand-new club’s structure meeting the atmosphere became strained, given that NOAD wished to name the new club NOAD (NOad and also ADvendo). This name was not acceptable to ADVENDO as well as ultimately Frans Konert suggested to call the club NAC (NOAD ADVENDO Combinatie), which was accepted by the conference’s assistants. At first, the NVB refused to allow NAC play association football, but on 28 October 1912 permitted NAC to play in the second Southern Division.

The very first years weren’t that well for NAC, but when NAC relocated to a new arena ‘t Ploegske the results enhanced. NAC became one of the top teams in the greatest Southern Division. In 1919 NAC ended up being champion of this competition and was allowed to play the Dutch Champions’ Competitors (small competitors in which the champions from the regional divisions would play for the Dutch title). During this competition, NAC completed in the last place. In 1920, NAC was one of the very first clubs to play worldwide suits. NAC played a number of friendly matches, consisting of a suit versus Real Madrid CF. NAC won this suit with 0-4, and the spanish to English newspapers called NAC ‘Los muchacos del Breda, masters del futbol’ (English: The young boys from Breda, masters in football). In 1921, NAC celebrated one of its best achievements, when they became Dutch football champion. In the Dutch Champion competition, NAC defeated Ajax, Be Quick 1887 as well as Proceed. NAC continued to play football on a high degree as well as in the twenties as well as thirties NAC was thought about to be one of the very best clubs in Dutch football. Throughout this period NAC won 6 Southern Championship titles, as well as the football, was regarded practically ideal by press and public

At 1921, after NAC won the Dutch Championship, all the players were gifted golden watch. But a lot of the gold watches are lost currently. But one incident happened in 2017. One golden watch got auctioned and Marcel van Hooijdonk acquired that watch from that auction, and then, he offered the watch to the NAC museum.

To know more, please visit the weblink, https://www.bsiderats.nl/ere-ere-toekomt-dank-aan-marcel-hooijdonk.