How Electricians Solve Your Electrical Issues Perefctly

It is always useful to have a good electrician in your address book. It is for small daily interventions of course, but also and especially if you are planning major work involving the renovation of your electrical installation, or when you move into a new home. 

How about some essential tips for choosing an electrician you can trust and avoiding unpleasant surprises?

Our tips to make sure you don’t go wrong

No room for chance, therefore, because your comfort and above all your safety are priceless. By following these recommendations you will have already made a path that will lead you to electric happiness.

Make your loved ones talk

The best electrician, your friends talk about it the best. Ask them about their own experience. Are they satisfied with their electrician? Have they encountered any problems? If yes, which ones? Are they ready to recommend this professional to you? 


By collecting as many opinions as possible from your relatives, you can start to contact one or more electricians “well rated” by them. It is always better than to blindly trust the opinions found on the internet which you never know if they are genuine or slightly faked.

Don’t skimp on quotes

Especially when it comes to electrical renovation work, do not hesitate to contact several electricians. The more important the site, the more it is in your interest to increase the number of requests for quotes. You can find more electricians in Singapore at, where you can compare quotations and see their reviews. 

  • These quotes must be as precise as possible. For example, do not settle for a vague statement such as “Installing outlets”. The estimate must instead indicate the exact number of sockets planned and their type.
  • The more the estimate will be supported, the more it will guarantee the professionalism of the electrician. In addition, you will be able to compare more easily, item by item, the different quotes that have been sent to you.Also remember that a quote must indicate the start and end dates of the work.

Your electrician on the report

There is no question here of carrying out a muscular interrogation of the electrician you are consulting, but it is essential to ask him a few questions which he will be happy to answer, especially if he is a trusted professional. First of all, ask him if he has the Qualifélecqualification . This qualification initiated and recognized by the public authorities is not compulsory. But it gives those who have obtained it an indisputable guarantee of professionalism.

Demand standards, that’s normal!

Also check with your electrician that his work will comply with the NF C 1500 standard. This standard sets out all the safety rules applicable to electrical installations in residential buildings, in particular in the kitchen and the bathroom.

In the same vein, check with the electrician that they will use products and brands that comply with French (NF) or European standards. This is important to ensure the quality and performance of these products. 

Also ask him to confirm that at the end of the work, he will give you an official certificate of compliance of the installation with the safety rules in force.