How Energy Brokers Are Using Technology to Help Customers Save

Energy brokers, like any other sort of commercial broker, are responsible for helping their customers find low cost energy supply from a vendor, and they earn commissions for doing so. The retail energy industry is lagging behind other industries in terms of the adaptation of technology. While some energy brokers are utilizing technology to process deals, many are still doing things manually. Here are 3 examples of ways energy brokers are using technology to save customers money on energy costs. 

1.Deal Pricing

Energy brokers, such as Diversegy, have pricing technology that allows them to find the lowest energy rates in any given market for their customers. Most energy brokers are forced to do this manually, which can cause the broker to miss a good deal for the customer. Diversegy has a home-grown energy pricing system that allows its customers to find the lowest rates in real time.


Since signing up for an energy rate is one of many things a business owner must handle on a daily basis, it is frustrating when you have to make an appointment with a broker to manually sign a contract. The better energy brokers are utilizing eSign technology so their customers can sign deals right on their smart phones.  

3.Energy Efficiency

Many energy brokers are partnering with energy efficiency companies that have technology to help customers reduce energy consumption. Technologies such as smart thermostats or demand response are popular programs for saving on energy costs.