Hair loss is everyone’s worst nightmare. When we begin to see our hair-thin, it can instantly send us on a worrying spree. Suppose you are experiencing hair loss and want to opt for a non-surgical hair restoration procedure. In that case, PRP Toronto is the therapy to look for. Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) treatment is a natural treatment for hair loss. The patient’s platelet-rich plasma from their blood to repair damaged hair follicles stimulates hair growth and provides fuller and healthier hair. The procedure takes about 30 minutes, and it would take a couple of months for you to see the results. If you are planning to undergo PRP therapy, here is all that you need to know.

How does PRP therapy work?

In PRP therapy, blood is taken from the patient and is then placed into a centrifuge. The blood is then spun in the centrifuge at high speed, which helps to separate the stem cells or platelets from the other blood components. After the plasma has been separated from the blood, it is then injected into the scalp with a needle’s help. This is injected into the areas which are experiencing some level of hair loss. The PRP works by restoring and stimulating hair growth by repairing dormant or damaged hair follicles.

During this injection, a small amount of plasma is injected around the hair follicles, which will help to stimulate the growth factors of those hair follicles. This helps to produce higher-quality hair and also accelerates hair growth. PRP therapy is a unique hair restoration procedure which helps to restore certain kind of hair losses. This hair restoration process can also be used in combination with other types of hair transplants to ensure excellent results.

Are there proven results?

PRP therapy has shown proven results for treating thinning and loss of hair. The procedure began when a group of hair transplant patients was looking for ways to increase the survival chances of grafts used in hair transplant procedures. In this procedure, live follicles are transplanted to a dormant area. Though the surgeon follows the proper protocol to ensure the majority of the grafts’ survival, it doesn’t always mean that they will ultimately survive. Whereas in PRP therapy, it stimulates the hair follicles and helps in hair growth. 

What are platelets?

The blood is made up of platelets, white and red blood cells. The platelets are crucial as they play a significant role in blood clotting and wound healing. Whenever an injury happens, the platelets are the first responders as they begin the blood-clotting process. They manipulate the shape of the clots and interlock with other platelets and form a barrier that stops the wound’s bleeding. The platelets are seen as the first responder to any injury which has bleeding. This is the biochemical storehouse of all the molecules responsible for the regulation and signaling of these growth factors, which play a big part in the recovery and healing of the flesh and tissues.