How to Deal with Bunions at Home

Frequent motion can exert pressure on the bunion at the bottom of the big toe, making the joint move out of place. You might experience intense pain due to the pressure on the bunions, making it impossible to walk straight. Although you can see experts in bunions in Bakersfield, you can opt for home treatment which relieves the pain. This joint carries so much weight when moving, and it can become stiff and sore, making it impossible to wear shoes. Here are at-home remedies for bunions that can relieve chronic pain.

Avoid Wearing Uncomfortable Shoes and Stilettoes

Although stilettoes might cause bunions in women, they can worsen if one has other health conditions such as arthritis. Women can withstand the pain associated with bunions, especially if they have flexible joints. However, it could be wise to avoid tight shoes that don’t fit properly as they exert pressure on the bunion. Again, bunions run in families, and women who have a high risk of developing bunions should avoid stilettoes at all costs. Your family doctor can determine if you are at risk of bunions and develop a guide on the shoes you wear and any lifestyle adjustments which prevent the condition.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Excess weight can exert pressure on the bunions as it carries most of the bodyweight during movement.  Therefore, it could be better to maintain a healthy weight to avoid bunions. Moreover, a healthy weight promotes better health and prevents health issues such as heart problems, diabetes, and obesity. You can talk with a physical therapist who can develop the best exercises to help with weight issues. You can follow a nutritional diet which helps prevent excessive weight and promote better health.

Use Shoe Inserts

If you already have bunion issues, you can use a gel-filled pad to protect the bunions. These pads are available in the drugstore near you, and you can consult your doctor about the suitable pads that can correct the condition. Again, you can incorporate shoe inserts with the bunion pads as they help position the feet correctly. You can buy over-the-counter arch supports or orthotic devices, depending on your condition. With the help of a doctor, you can customize a splint that supports the feet at night by holding the toes straight, easing the discomfort.

Take Drugs

If you develop bunion-related chronic pain, you can opt for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen. Again, surgery can correct advanced bunion problems, but this should be the last resort for bunion issues.

Massage the Foot

You can apply oils and massage the bunions gently to improve blood circulation in the joints, leading to the removal of toxins. You may apply ultrasound treatment, use a whirlpool, icepack, and soak the feet in warm water. These at-home remedies might reduce the pain on the joint and lead to improved treatment and ease of movement.

Final Thoughts

Bunions can make walking difficult, and you should take a doctor’s advice on the best home remedies that can improve the condition. You can buy well-fitting shoes with a wide toe area; again, it would be wise to avoid stilettoes that pressure the bunion joint. Wear shoe inserts and bunion pads which protect the bunions from shoe friction. Maintain a healthy weight that releases the pressure on the joint. Good luck dealing with bunions