How to Evict A Tenant Who Damages Your Property

If you do it correctly, renting out your property is a profitable experience. Many tenants pay their rent and follow the rules. However, some tenants do not do what the lease demands of them. But if you know how to operate, you can get rid of a bad tenant before they do more damage. To protect your property from damage and evict someone causing the damage, you may need the help of a lawyer.

Damage to Your Property

When a tenant is doing damage to your property, document the damage and find a lawyer. You will need enough documentation to prove the property is being damaged and who is damaging it. Different types of damage need different levels of proof and require various kinds of corrective action. As an example, in some states, the destruction of the walls and floor is enough to warrant immediate eviction. Other, more minor damage, however, could result in eviction only with continual violations.

Preparations for Eviction

Evicting a bad tenant is challenging; every state has a variety of “tenant’s rights” protections in place to prevent wrongful evictions. If you have to evict a tenant and are unfamiliar with the process or don’t have time to do it yourself, speak to a lawyer to be sure you satisfy your state and local legal needs. Eviction law firms charge reasonable fees and get the job done in the quickest time possible.

The eviction method for your state and town can specify such steps as a way to provide due notice and establish enough protection for you and also the tenant. If you improperly evict your tenant, you may lose the money from the damage that you could claim. You may even be answerable for fines.

As a landlord, unlawful detainers may make you question why you ever became a landlord. The term refers to anyone who retains possession of the property without a right to it. Evicting a tenant in the United States can be a complicated procedure because of the Fifth Amendment that guarantees due process of law.

Who Is An Unlawful Detainer?

There are lots of examples of who can be considered an unlawful detainer. These tenants remain in a living accommodation when their lease is invalid and was not revived, or one who refuses to leave the property when being served with a notice to vacate the premises for whatever legal reason the landlord has. There can be a breach of lease, like non-payment or violation of lease provisions, squatters and similar. To keep your income stream current, you need to get rid of them as quickly as possible. But you have to submit the right paperwork to the courts to proceed.

The Unlawful Detainer Process

The first step is for the landlord to file a complaint or petition with the local court and pay a filing fee. The court serves the tenant with the court documents. An unlawful detainer action is a type of lawsuit that moves quickly through the court system. But, in some jurisdictions, tenants are entitled upon request to a jury trial, during which the jury determines whether the tenant should be evicted.

How Does the Landlord Evict Them?

Each state regulates the matter of evictions. Usually, you need to submit a complaint against the tenant in court and present the tenant with a summons. Both you and therefore the alleged Unlawful Detainer need to be present throughout the hearing when the judge makes a decision.

If your claims are found to have merit, the tenant has no legal right to stay in your property. They will be ordered to vacate the premises. The court can also authorize law enforcement officers to evict them by force, if necessary. Acquaint yourself with your state eviction laws before beginning the process. Before the hearing, confirm that your documentation is in order so the judge rules in your favor. If you are missing documents, you could have to start the process all over again.

If you are thinking that you have a bad tenant or are starting an unlawful detainer process, it is always good to talk with an experienced attorney. They will assist you, and you will be able to get the legal advice on what you need to do to go forward. Consult with an experienced attorney to get back your property and begin earning money on it again.