How To Incorporate Technology In Your Retail Interior Design In Singapore

Visiting tech and gadget tradeshows and conferences is like stepping into the future. From drones hovering above you to robots with human-like faces, we are nearing the brink of the future day by day. It also seems some businesses and companies have predicted the advent of AI and advanced technology. They are slowly incorporating them into their business through an interactive and experiential merchandise display design

Perhaps, the most common application today is projection mapping. You can even hire amuseum exhibition design company to pull off projection mapping indoors or outdoors. 

And people seem to reciprocate the fondness towards technology. It has become an effective tool to draw more people in. If you are still dubious about the use of technology in your retail interior design in Singapore, this article is for you. 

How To Incorporate Technology In Your Retail Interior Design In Singapore

Believe it or not, technology is not only for exhibits, brand activation events, and tradeshows. You can use them every day to your advantage by using them in your retail design. It is pulling offexperiential marketing in Singapore instead of traditional marketing approaches, like brochures, discount coupons, and billboards. You try to simulate the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste by using technology. 

Here are the ways to incorporate technology in your retail interior design in Singapore:

Have a holistic approach

A holistic approach means stimulating the five senses. How does a festive decoration company in Singapore do it? 

Firstly, they use visual technology to stimulate our sense of sight. Stark lightings of projection mapping and 3D technology is a great way to introduce your brand and your products. 

Secondly, museums commonly use audio spotlight systems. Your museum exhibition design company loves the audio spotlight system because it produces a directional sound that does not interfere and mix with the other sounds in the exhibit.  

Thirdly, scent-focused exhibitions have used fragrance-emitting tools that stimulate the olfactory senses. One example would be the one used in The Art of the Scent exhibition at the Museum of Art and Design in New York. 

Fourthly, gamification is the best way to stimulate both tactile and visual senses. But perhaps, the most common experiential marketing tactic in Singaporeis the out of the glass box displays. The demo phones on gadget stores or the off the rack clothes you can see in boutiques.

Lastly, the easiest way to satisfy the taste buds of your customers and to convince them to purchase your food product is to give free tastes!

Use QR codes

The fastest way to lead your customers to your product and connect with them online is through QR codes. 

We have been using QR codes or quick response codes for online transactions, such as online payments and registration. You can also utilise QR codes to your advantage as a retail store. 

For example, instead of giving away coupons, granting discounts through your business’s website account registration using QR codes could easily collect the data you need.

On the other hand,experiential design displays also use QR codes to launch and trigger augmented reality (AR) technology. 

Capitalise on virtual reality

Virtual reality uses tools like eye goggles and headsets to simulate a life-like 3D environment to the person wearing the tools. 

Although gaming retail stores use this technology commonly, other industries capitalise on this technology. Automobile companies use this to give clients a “virtual driving experience” of their vehicle. 

Virtual reality is essential in experiential design as it stimulates visual, hearing, and haptic senses. 

Holographic displays and installations

Holographic displays and installations use a photographic technique and light diffraction technology to make the image appear mid-air.

Holographic displays have been around for many years. Museums, science fairs, and tradeshows usually use this technology, but they can also be used in yourretail interior design in Singapore. 

Apart from being attractive and appealing, holographic installations are also mobile. You can place them inside your store or in a kiosk around the mall or outside the store. You can incorporate music or sound recording narrating the details about your products to make the installation more attention-grabbing. 

Don’t shy away from robotics

People are highly interested in robotics. They like to interact with robots powered by artificial intelligence. Tons of tech trade shows and science bring out their robots to draw more people in. 

In some countries like Japan, robots are part of the day to day customer service of some businesses, proving that robots in shops are not entirely a new concept. Robots assist customers as well as entertain them. 

Not only do you reduce labour costs, but attract people, too. 

Nevertheless, an effective experiential marketing tactic in Singapore takes advantage of people’s fondness for robots by using one. 

Now that you know how to incorporate technology in your retail interior design in Singapore, it is time to determine the factors to consider before using one. 


Factors To Consider Before Using Technology In Your Retail Interior Design In Singapore

Incorporating technology in your retail interior design is crucial. Apart from the expensive technology, you must also find the perfectfestive decoration company in Singaporethat can help with the installation. 

Here are the things you need to consider before incorporating technology in your retail interior design in Singapore.


Technologies like virtual and augmented reality and hologram installations can be expensive. The maintenance and power consumption costs are the driving factors of the overall price. The more advanced and sophisticated the technology is, the more expensive it is. 


There are different concepts to experiment on using technology. You can opt for themes that highlight audiovisual experience, while others like the gamification concept. 

Tech provider

If you want to impress your clients with experiential marketing in Singapore, make sure to get a credible and reliable tech provider that will provide you with tools and equipment that will certainly not embarrass you. 

Transition and maintenance

Your employees must also know how to work around the technology. Most importantly, you should prioritise maintenance. 


We are in the era of technology, and it is time to embrace it and utilise it for business use. There is no better way to maximise them than retail interior design in Singapore

Dezign Format is ready to provide you with top-tier experiential design store design in Singapore. Visit Dezign Format today.