How to raise money for a pre school

Unlike with most other school fundraisers, children in daycare are usually too young to be in charge of selling products, so parents usually step in. This means that daycare fundraising is not only a good way to bring in necessary money, but also to encourage parents to get more involved in their child’s daycare as well. Successful preschool fundraisers are achieved when a preschool is well organized, has a fundraising plan, and coordinates responsibilities and expectations of the participants, the parents, the fundraising coordinators, staff, teachers, extended family, and friends. Most of our programs provide free shipping or free shipping that is easy to achieve, is very fast and allows your preschool to be able to hold a fundraiser and receive delivery in time for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Mother’s Day, end of the school year, etc. Our preschool fundraisers are easy to implement and are geared towards getting your preschool parents to maximize sales.

Even your tiniest learners can be productive fundraisers, helping earn money for their preschools for extra programs or charitable causes. Most schools operate 100% on Tuition Income and host several fundraisers each school year to raise money for capital improvements, special programs, learning materials, and classroom resources. We offer simple and easy Preschool Fundraisers that are simple and easy, effective, and will exceed your preschool’s fundraising expectations!

Choose our programs and you’ll discover your supporters will be eager to participate in your next preschool fundraiser. Before diving in and beginning your preschool fundraiser, it is important to first consider the needs of your fundraising group, and the community you will be asked to support your preschool fundraiser. New Fundraising Ideas has years of experience helping Preschool Organizations raise money for their programs and we’ve worked with small independent preschools to large national preschool organizations.

Money raised from preschool fundraisers goes directly back to benefit the students and holding preschool fundraisers has become even more critical over the years as preschools raise funds to offset their increased operating costs. At the preschool level, the children may be too young to be interested in (or to have their parents be interested in) traditional fundraisers that work at higher grade levels. When your preschool (or PTA, PTO, etc.) participates in a KidsArt fundraiser, the children in your organization draw artwork and then you offer families the opportunity to purchase products featuring that artwork.

One of the best fundraising methods for 2020 is via brochure popcorn sales.  All you need to do is simply to distribute brochures to your customers/supporters.  They will then select what flavors, and how much popcorn they would like to order, and mail the brochure back to your fundraising partner company.  That company will then process the orders, mail out the popcorn, and give you your % of the revenue.  A great company to partner with is

Making your fundraiser a teaching opportunity is also a great way to involve the children – for example if they’re learning about colors, paintings that they make and then you sell in an art show” fundraiser (which can be popular with parents, grandparents, and anyone else close to the kids) can earn you money and help them learn. Fundraisers help to support the preschools so that they can take more children and still provide quality schooling and excellent care. This is such an easy fundraiser for us. All you have to do is choose the Fayette Cooperating Preschool as your charity to support and use your Kroger Plus Card when you go shopping (just like you normally would to receive the sales and use your digital coupons).

St. Paul’s First Lutheran Preschool does a few year-round fundraisers as well as occasional fundraising events. One common fundraiser is the book sale, where parents are invited to purchase children’s books from a catalog and a percentage of the sales go to the preschool. For these fundraisers, restaurants will donate 15%-20% of the total food sales on a designated day and time.

During the Valentine’s Day and Easter seasons, we will have a See’s Candies sale to raise funds for the school and make it easy for Explorer parents and friends to purchase holiday treats. Fundraisers help keep tuition affordable and support the day to day operations of the school. A straw draw is an easy fundraiser that you can pull off before the school day starts, during a short break, or as kids are leaving to go home.

Many restaurant chains will have pre-made flyers or stickers that your students, faculty, staff, and parents can hand out to their friends and family members to promote the fundraiser.