How to Restore an Old or Damaged Timber Verandah

Having a timber verandah can make you feel that you have a small oasis inside your home. In my mind, a verandah should always have a rocking chair and be that place where you go to rest and recoup.

A timber verandah is a place that usually has a wooden floor and furniture, giving it a unique and different feel.

This space is perfect for organizing lunches, either with family or friends or just relaxing.

A verandah is, however, exposed to external threats such as rain, sun and wind, so it is necessary to give it proper care. Many people overlook this and only realize it when the damage has been done. This often means that the wood is broken or has lost its shine.

There are ways you can restore your old or damaged verandah to make it look like new. Keep reading, and you will find some tips to do just that.

Evaluate its state.

Before doing anything else, you should verify the state your timber verandah is in: Has the wood started to crack? Has it lost the shine? Is it breaking somewhere?

Once you have defined what the problem is, you can start thinking about the solutions, what you will need to buy and the different options you have.

It is essential to have your timber verandah checked by a certified builder if you notice any damage to the structure. This way, you can ensure that no future accident will occur, and you and your family will not get hurt.

It does not matter if it seems like a small problem; you should always consult with an expert to offer you the most viable and safe solution.

Eliminate varnish or oil residues

If you do not need to change your timber verandah and what you need instead is to restore it, then the first thing you have to do is to prepare it for the next steps.

You will have to use a special cleaner with a brush to remove any residue. In this way, you will not only be cleaning the wood but also preparing it for polishing.


Once you have removed any varnish or oil residue, you can proceed to have the timber floor sanded. With this, you will eliminate any impurities from the surface, and you will see how it will gradually regain its brightness and colour.

Remember that you should not use very strong sandpaper since you could wear down the wood a lot. We recommend that, if you have no experience, hire a company that is experienced in sanding floors.

Eliminate dust and waste

After the previous step, it is normal for some dust to remain on the wood. With a mere brush, you can clean the verandah and leave the surface smooth and without any trace of dirt.

Apply the finish

Finally, you will have to finish the verandah, which will generally consist of applying a new layer of protector or special oil for this type of material.

These products can be colourless, ideal for protecting the wood without altering its appearance, or with colour, which in addition to safeguarding can serve to decorate and return the shine to discoloured timber.

Perform proper maintenance

Your timber verandah has already recovered its original brightness and colour, but now you must keep it in an excellent state and avoid damaging it again.

Regularly cleaning the surface and periodically applying a first protective oil layer, you can keep the wood in good condition for much longer.

If you have an old or damaged timber verandah, do not wait any longer. By following these steps, you will be able to restore your verandah to all its former glory and find the ideal spot for your rocking chair.