How to Turn Average Homes into Smart Ones with Schneider’s Smart Panels!

Smart panels can be employed to play a meaningful role in the IoT & smart building experience for occupants in structures- for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes. Smart switchboards and smart panels are already generally accessible for purchase in the market. These smart panels can perform similar functions to an orthodox switchboard, along with so much more. Just like most smart devices, smart panels promote greater authority over appliances, extra convenience, fluid network connectivity and functionality, cost-effective energy, and home control. The fundamental advantages of exploring these new-age panels are explained below – 


A primary ideology behind the curation of smart panels is protecting the lives of industrial workers and residents, by making working or living conditions hazard and risk-free. A unique characteristic of smart switches is the safety shutter sockets, which perform the function of closing or turning off automatically when not in use or operation. Since these smart panels play an important role in preventing health hazards, they are an ideal option if you have young children in the house or inexperienced individuals operating machinery they are not completely well-versed with. 

Smooth Operation 

Smart panels with smart light switches have come up with a sleek yet smooth switching rocker mechanism which goes on to ensure delicate, smooth, and easy operation.  In addition to this feature, the traditional switches we are used to were infamous for consistently emitting a humming sound, like in the case of fan regulators. Yet, smart switches are completely noise-free. Traditional switches rarely matched interiors and were not to visually-appealing. This is not the case with smart panels which come in a variety of sizes and colours – specifically designed to amplify interior looks & offer home automation solutions at the same time.

Easy Installation 

Smart panels & switches are sold with a comprehensive and well-explained loading installation pack which consists of a switch, mount plate, screws which can be then integrated together set up the appliance. With the help of this installation pack, users can install and remove a specific part of the switch if it is hampered with tremendous ease, and more importantly, simultaneously negates the need of having to replace the entire electrical panels

#SchneiderElectric is a leading international brand across the globe which has entered the domain of smart products. If you’re interested in exploring smart panels, you could not really go wrong with Schneider Electric products – considering their well-established presence in the field of energy & power management.