How to use cannabis marketing techniques

Marketing a cannabis business can be tricky, especially when it comes to marketing your products and services in a way that doesn’t run afoul of federal regulators, who would shut down your company and put you behind bars if they knew what you were up to.

So the people who are savvy enough to navigate this often-murky area rely on creative solutions that can give them an edge over their competition while still staying within the boundaries set by regulators. They use techniques like viral videos, celebrity endorsements, guerrilla tactics, contests with big prizes – even “smoke outs” at universities.

And because any kind of promotion is seen as risky in communities where there’s strong disapproval for marijuana use or sales some entrepreneurs have found unusual ways to market their products.   One such case is a baked goods company in Colorado that made “Pot Tarts” and “marijuana food products”. They actually admitted on their website to making those items but said they were for “educational purposes only” and the cookies and other sweets weren’t for sale.

It can be hard to market a cannabis business, especially knowing that your direct competitors are literally risking imprisonment if they’re found out. Knowing this marketing strategies have been developed by savvy entrepreneurs to maximize profit while staying within legal bounds. Some of these methods include viral videos, celebrity endorsements, contests with large prizes, etc. Entrepreneurs also have unusual ways of promoting their brand without breaking any laws or industry regulations — one example being Pot Tarts which were produced only for the Colorado market. Pot

Tarts were edibles packaged in the form of an actual tart, not easily distinguishable by both children and adults. This method is what could be considered a “marketing technique”.

Entrepreneurs have gone to great lengths in order to successfully promote their cannabis business without breaking any laws or industry regulations — one example being Pot Tarts which were produced only for the Colorado market. Pot Tarts were edibles packaged in the form of an actual tart, not easily distinguishable by both children and adults. This method is what could be considered a “marketing technique”.

Marketing techniques are unique methods that businesses use to draw consumer attention towards their products. For example, viral videos like this one , celebrity endorsements like Snoop Dogg.  If you can’t afford A list celebrities, you should consider reaching out to smaller influencers in the cannabis space.

Although it is not an industry standard, instead a rule imposed by the federal government, all cannabis products are required to have labels on them clearly stating what’s in them and how much THC or CBD is present.

Another “marketing technique” could be something as simple as using bright green colors on the packaging or having pretty pictures on your website. Putting these small things together can create a strong brand image that sticks with customer memories long after they purchase your product.

You can also consider customizing your label designs for different demographics, for example, you might want to target women with pink labels while men might go for flashy green colors.