How to write an effective online survey?

Companies now have more opportunities to learn about readers’ opinions of the institution’s work and employees thanks to the growth of the Internet: the official website, blog pages, and social networks all contain questionnaires. We show you how to complete a questionnaire so that readers can complete it quickly and easily.

Purpose of online survey

In most cases, companies conduct opinion polls among their patrons to determine the quality of the services they provide and to compile reader statistics: age, profession, gender, and numerous other indicators This helps you find out who your readers are, which books are most in demand, and where you stand in the company and information services market.

The process of preparing for the subsequent creative meeting or event is greatly simplified by a special service for creating online surveys. Readers’ levels of interest in a forthcoming event can be gauged by company staff.

Complete process

Determining a clear function for your survey is the first step. The clearly defined objective directly affects the questionnaire’s content: questions, responses, and a conclusion.

  • A cap. It must be mentioned at the beginning of the questionnaire, either in the “header” or in the appeal to the respondent. Try to come up with a short name that only uses three to four words.
  • A preamble, or introductory word, is followed by a greeting to the respondent and a brief explanation of what is expected of him. Also, it’s a good idea to say that the survey is anonymous and that no personal information will be shared with third parties.
  • Don’t forget to thank the respondent for their time at the end of the questionnaire.

The questionnaire’s questions can be broken down into two categories: both direct and indirect. In a direct one, its content and the researcher’s interests coincide, and students or teachers are unable to respond.