We often see a tuition centre in Singapore as a review centre. After all, most parents enrol their children in a tuition centre when the national exams are approaching. However, it is good to understand that there is more to these centres than preparing your child for the exams. Below are some lesser-known benefits of attending an enrichment centre.

Attending a Tuition Centre Teaches Children Time Management

Time management is crucial to children as much as it is to adults. Instead of spending all their free time playing, children must learn to spare some time for productive activities. Attending an enrichment centre can help your child learn the value of time and how to use it effectively.

During their time inside the tuition centre, children will also learn to allot time for everything. For instance, in a Primary English Tuition class, children may be advised to spend 10 minutes reading, 10 minutes answering quizzes, 10 minutes on speech practices and more.

An Enrichment Centre Allows Your Child to Make Friends

It is relatable for families living in flats or condos that their children tend to have less chance of making friends. A tuition centre allows your children to connect with other children their age.

Solving mathematical problems together in A-Maths Tuition or working on a group experiment in Primary Science Tuition will let your child develop social skills.

An Enrichment Centre Can Help Build Confidence

Most enrichment classes are kept small to allow the tutor to oversee the students effectively. This small class size also allows the learners to raise their questions to the tutor without embarrassment. This constant practice of being open to learning is essential for children to build confidence in school and life.


Are you planning to enrol your child in a tuition centre soon? Finding the best enrichment centre where your child can experience the benefits listed above should be your priority. Visit I Love Learning to see how we can help your child pass the national exams and gain a positive mindset about studying.