Joint Pain Signs That Should Worry You

Joint pain is a common occurrence with age. A significant percentage of adults complain of joint pain in Hoboken, with knee pain being the most notorious, followed by hip or shoulder pain. Besides the major joints, the pain may affect other smaller joints, including your ankles and wrist joints. Medications and exercises will most likely be the first recommendations your doctor may suggest.

Unfortunately, what you think might work for you may turn otherwise, worsening your situation. The best part is that your doctor may recommend various surgical and non-invasive treatment options to help minimize your pain and promote joint function. Your joint pain may not require a surgical procedure unless the process is the only way to help you live comfortably.

Why Are You Likely to Experience Joint Pain?

Arthritis is a major cause of joint pain. However, not all forms of arthritis will cause your joints to hurt. Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the forms you are likely to develop, especially as you hit the 40s. The arthritis form develops gradually, affecting your wrist, hands, knees, and hip joints. OA affects your joints by destroying the cartilages that cushion your joints, acting as their shock absorbers. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) may also cause your joints to experience debilitating symptoms. Unlike OA that tampers with your joints’ shock absorbers, RA causes fluid build-up, inflammation, and pain in your joints, forcing your immune system to attack your joints’ membranes.

Besides arthritis, potential causes of joint pain include:

  •         Inflammation of your tendons.
  •         Gout.
  •         Lupus.
  •         Joint or bone infection.
  •         Joint overuse.
  •         Osteoporosis.
  •         Cancer.
  •         Bursitis.
  •         Fibromyalgia.
  •         Rickets.
  •         Sprains.
  •         Tendinitis.

What Are Your Risk Factors for Developing Joint Pain?

Age is the first factor likely to cause wear and tear on your joints after several years of use, resulting in stiff joints. Besides age, you will most likely have joint pain because of:

  •         Previous injuries on the joint.
  •         Overusing your muscles.
  •         An existing chronic medical condition.
  •         Depression or anxiety.
  •         Excess body weight.
  •         Poor health.

What Joint Pain Symptoms Should You Worry About?

Joint pain symptoms vary from mild to severe. The absence of cartilage in your joints causes your bones to rub against each other as you move your joint. Though some joint pains resolve without medical intervention, you should contact your doctor when you have the following symptoms:

  •         Joint stiffness.
  •         Swelling or joint enlargement.
  •         Snapping or grinding effects when moving the affected joint.
  •         Pain, especially with movement.
  •         Loss of mobility.
  •         Numbness.

Joint pain can be disabling, especially if you ignore the pain for an extended period. Talk to your physician if the painful symptoms prevent you from living your everyday life for a diagnosis. An evaluation by the medical professional will help determine the exact cause of the pain, allowing you to begin treatment immediately thus, promoting your joints’ health. During the assessment, your physician may check for possible injuries on your surrounding ligaments, muscles, and tendons. If necessary, the physician might request blood tests and imaging tests to check for potential causes of the symptoms, including bone spurs and joint deterioration.

Do not let joint pain disable you when you can contact your doctor for help.