Motherhood- the most overwhelming part of one’s life!!

Playing with the child and raiding the child are two different things. Playing with the child is a matter of one or two hours or you can add a few more but raising a child is a full-time dedicated job. You must be thinking that the first challenging task of giving birth to the baby is over, but did you just notice that this second task of raising a child is still lying in your field. Being a new mother, you will have to take care of many things especially when it comes to your baby. Being a new mother and unaware of child-raising techniques, you would be a little stressed out about how you would protect that little living creature lying there peacefully in his crib from any unforeseen harm.  Don’t think that you are just the one who is worried about taking care of the delicate baby, just like you almost every mom faces this issue but with time and patience and of course, the advice you can make through with this as well.

As soon as you become a mother, along with the responsibilities you are stuffed with the advice on how to take care of the little baby and this is the situation that makes your task of motherhood more challenging. Not all advice suits your baby. Therefore, here is some Advice for New Mothers which is sorted for every mother and can be taken up easily. Follow up on this handy advice and see your child smoothly growing.

  1. Fix the time for breastfeeding

Nutrition is what your baby’s body demands.  Therefore, you must feed your baby at regular intervals. Proper routine breastfeeding will improve the immune system of your baby thereby helping him to grow and fight any unforeseen danger.  Many times, you would find that your baby doesn’t latch properly or even if he does, he doesn’t suck. So don’t be worried if the child rejects your breast milk. It is a very common problem faced by many new mothers in their initial stages. Thus, don’t rush out for an alternative rather approach a doctor.

  1. Baby spitting

Another most common problem faced by new mothers is spitting of milk by the baby after breastfeeding. Don’t worry if your child is also doing the same. What you can do is just pat his back and make him burp. This will stop him from spitting but if the child continues to spit and does not gain weight then you must need a doctor’s advice.

  1. Prepare your checklist

Prepare a list for all the Do’s and Don’ts so that later you don’t have to struggle about what is good and comfortable for your baby and what is not.   

  1. Choose baby products wisely

Since the baby’s skin is soft and delicate it is prone to rashes and irritation. Choose and use products which are free from strong artificial fragrances, harsh cleansing agents etc.

Follow up these tips along with your own made ones and make your first motherhood experience enjoyable.