Psychotherapy and More for Your Choice

Many people have in their minds an image of therapy as that occasion when we lie on a couch while the psychologist or analyst sleeps hear what we are saying without looking at our face. Well, not quite. This style of analysis does exist, but it is not the only one. In contrast, for each type of problem, there is a different approach, a different method, and a way to address the issue. Some of these may be quite unusual, but they help a lot of people. Today, we work out a superlist with very weird psychotherapy techniques, but they also have their place.

Puppet Therapy

Dolls are usually a child’s thing, but they can still be very useful if you, the adult, need to deal with a suitcase boss, an inconvenient neighbor, or a hooded child. Puppets help the patient express their emotions and rehearse difficult conversations they may have with the person with whom they have relationship problems. With the puppet, the patient feels that he has a “safe” distance from the analyst, and they feel freer to talk about certain things with which they have blockages. This therapy works well with adults and children.

Garden Therapy

This is a method of group therapy, in which patients are actually planting / tending a garden or garden during the session. The therapist uses the qualities necessary for gardening (patience, care, dedication, etc.) to teach lessons that patients can take in their daily lives, such as managing anger and anxiety. Therapy also tends to develop a patient’s self-esteem as he prides himself on his work with plants. This method is widely used when working in prisons, hospitals and nursing homes.

Play in the sand

You didn’t even know it, but building sandcastles can be a powerful tool for dealing with difficulties expressing your feelings. The thing here is to make the patient create scenarios and situations that he can’t speak very well of. From there, the therapist explores the most problematic points and helps the patient to untie these emotional knots. The therapy was developed by Swiss psychologist Dora Kalf, Carl Jung’s disciple, so that patients who have suffered trauma and abuse can communicate. Playing with the sand makes the sessions easier for the patient.

Chess Therapy

This is yet another technique for dealing with patients who have difficulty expressing their feelings. The strategy required for the game of chess makes the patient develop his problem solving skills. Gambling represents a person’s real-life problems that must be solved. The technique was first used by Rhazes (852 – 932 AD), a physiology student who was an intern at Baghdad hospital. Check for more information

In the wild nature

Wildlife therapy is an effective way to teach social skills to young people with socialization problems. The sessions take place in a bush camp, and the work has both group and individual sessions and lots of outdoor activity, such as rock climbing and fishing, that teach qualities such as resilience, self-confidence and responsibility. The program promises to regenerate even teens who have committed crimes. Get more info at Chicago Health Blog