Signs of an Unhealthy Heart That You Shouldn’t Ignore

If your heart’s not in its best condition, you are likely to experience warning signs. While you may not experience something as evident as the clutching of your chest, there are lots of signs that you should not ignore. Some symptoms of heart problems do not even happen around your chest. If you suspect that you may have any heart problems, contact Prime Heart and Vascular for help. This is especially important if you are overweight, older, or have high blood pressure. Other risk factors for heart disease include diabetes and high cholesterol. Watch out for these symptoms:

1.      Chest Pain or Discomfort

This is the most obvious sign of heart disease. You may feel some tightness, pain, or discomfort if you have a heart attack or blocked artery. The discomfort feels different for every person. While some people may feel like something heavy is pressing down on them, others describe it as a burning sensation. The discomfort may last a few minutes. You should seek immediate medical attention if the symptoms last long or are severe. 

2.      Jaw or Throat Pain

Even though it is possible to experience jaw or throat pain for unrelated reasons, it may be a sign of heart disease. If, however, you have pain that starts in your chest and then spreads to your jaw or throat, you need urgent medical help. 

3.      Dizziness or Lightheadedness

Lots of things could make you dizzy or lightheaded, and heart disease is one of them. If you suddenly feel dizzy and have short breath and chest discomfort, it may be due to low blood pressure. Your heart may be unable to pump as usual, and you need medical help. 

4.      A Cold Sweat

If you suddenly break down in a cold sweat, you may have clogged arteries. Your heart may be working extra hard to pump blood. Sweating helps your body maintain its average temperature while your heart works harder. Even though cold sweats are a common sign of menopause, you may need to see a doctor to rule out the possibility of heart disease. 

5.      Extreme Exhaustion

If you struggle with fatigue and unexplained weakness, you may need to see a doctor. If you can no longer perform activities that you did in the past, your heart health may be declining. 

6.      Snoring

Snoring can be a sign of heart disease, especially if it is loud and sounds like you are choking. It may also be a sign of sleep apnea. If you stop breathing for a few moments while sleeping, you put unnecessary stress on your heart. Your doctor may help you smooth out your breathing while asleep. 

7.      An Irregular Heart Beat

Your heart may race if you are excited or nervous. If, however, your heartbeat is often irregular for long periods, you may have atrial fibrillation. Contact your doctor for immediate help. 

If you have any symptoms of heart disease, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Waiting too long could make it challenging to treat.