Ten Destinations if you are planning on your next field trip

The United States has so many museums across every state and with every field trip that needs a destination, it provides numerous options. Field trips are important in helping students absorb their school lessons through interactive tours and films. To better help you decide the next destination of your next field trip, here are ten possible destinations.

  1. Smithsonian Museum ( Washington D.C.)

            Considered as the largest museum in the world  with nineteen museums and a National Zoo. It houses exhibits such as paintings and sculptures from African, Air and Space, American and Natural history. The museum buildings are also fantastic to look at and are picture worthy with designs from Greek to Modern architecture.To learn more about educational travel, contact ETC to learn more.

  1. Metropolitan Museum of Art ( New York)

            Also known as “the MET,” it is the third most visited museum in the world. It boasts two million of artifacts such as a) Armory from ancient Asian and European era like swords, helmets, suit of armors and pistols, b) Carpets, braziers, and bowls from Islamic states, c) Nepal and Tibetan Art, and even d) paintings like the Self Portrait with a Straw Hat of Vincent Van Gogh.

  1. Museum of Science and Industry (Chicago, Illinois)

The museum boasts photos and artifacts of the U-505 Submarine. U-505 is the only German submarine in the United States built during World War 2. It also displays transportations used for the past century and mine exhibits that are both interactive. Aside from Flight simulators, it also features more about Chicago things to do films such as the Animal Kingdom and Inside of Caves.

  1. The National World War 2 Museum ( New Orleans, Louisiana)

            Located in South Central of the country, it is also called “The National D-Day Museum.” It is known for its military museum that features “thought-provoking exhibits” as its website described. It presents America’s role in the war that helped change the world. The museum also features 4D films about the war that provide lessons about heroism and war casualties.

  1. The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art (Kansas, Missouri)

            The name is from two people who donated in the construction of the museum; they are William Nelson and Mary Atkins. It features an extensive Asian and Egyptian art collections. It also became part of Time magazine’s “The 10 Best Architectural Marvels” in 2007. It is also worth noting that there is a picture worthy of a humongous shuttlecock in the museum’s lawn.

  1. Seattle Art Museum (Seattle, Washington D.C.)

            A world-renowned art museum that features sculptures, carvings, paintings, coins, and kitchenware from Australian Aboriginal, Ancient America, Decorative arts, Modern, and Contemporary arts to name a few. Aside from that, it has an exhibit of the treasures of Tutankhamun, who was once an Egyptian Pharaoh that died early due to numerous in-borne diseases.

  1. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (San Francisco, California)

            It is the only museum in the Western United States that is dedicated to featuring art from the 20th century. It features paintings of Matisse, Duchamp, and Warhol, with an ongoing exhibit of photographs and art from the 1970s.

Fun Fact: This is where the renowned painter Jackson Pollock did his first art exhibit.

  1. Toledo Museum of Art (Toledo, Ohio)

            A museum that is known for its great glass collections and exhibits its collections of Greek, Roman, Japanese and Renaissance arts. It also has a classically designed concert hall where the Toledo Symphony Orchestra plays while its garden has sculptures from post-war which was added last 2001.

  1. Peabody Essex Museum (Salem, Massachusetts)

            It was a successor of the East India Marine Society which was a club that was exclusive only to sea captains and head traders. It changed its name when George Peabody, who was the father of modern philanthropy bought it for a USD 100,000. The museum showcases artworks in twenty four different historic structures and a garden.

  1. Dallas Museum of Arts (Dallas, Texas)

            Features artworks dating back from the third millennium to the present day, it has collections from Ancient Mediterranean, Pre-Columbian and Asian. It also holds events such as Thursday Night Live where there are live jazz concerts and Arts and Letters Live which is a lecture series of famous authors, actors, and musicians.


There are many places that can be your next field trip destination. Whichever museum you pick, it would help students to learn not only about the history of a country but it also opens their eyes to new perspectives. But, remember to enjoy, be curious and have fun learning.