So, you’re a slot player who dreams of winning big? You want to be one of those lucky so-and-sos who are made into a millionaire by just one spin?

Look no further than progressive jackpot slots.

Unlike regular online slots, progressives are attached to big jackpot prize funds. Each time someone spins the reels, a percentage of their bet gets added to the jackpot. This means the jackpot keeps getting bigger and bigger – often soaring way beyond the million-pound mark – until one fortunate spinner comes along and bags the lot!

You’ll find hundreds of online progressives to choose from these days. So many, in fact, that it can be tricky picking what to spin. 

Luckily for you, we’ve called in the experts from, the UK online casino, to reveal their favourites. From the epic Age of the Gods to the record-breaking Mega Moolah, check out bgo’s pick of the 5 best progressives ever made in their infographic.